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Design 📐


A suicidal drop-out whose designs changed the world

Buckminster Fuller was thrown out of Harvard twice. First time when he was found partying with a circus group. After being readmitted, he was expelled again for his "irresponsibility and lack of interest." 50 years later, Harvard's oldest honor society would make him a member...

Tone of voice: why writing for the web is different

The “tone of voice” that a website/app/digital product communicates is an organization’s personality. It also influences how the reader feels.

Words that make your product sing

Choosing the right words is crucial to making a good product that people will love and return to. At the Google I/O developer conference in 2017, UX content experts Maggie Stanphill, Allison Rung and Juliana Appenrodt explained why the right words matter. @

What is Content Design?

Have you ever opened a website or an app with bad content and got frustrated with it? In the digital world, design is crucial to make the customer use it. Increased cognitive load on the user makes them quit their task. Hence, the digital world needs a content designer. @


UX Design for MarTech in 2022.

UX/UI helps in User Journey Simplification:Has it ever happened to your customers that the entire process of accomplishing a task becomes complicated and less rewarding, which makes them quit during the journey? Do they feel less interactive during the journey?

Stop branding, start blanding

The internet is a noisy place. Brands wonder: how do we develop brand recall in non-intrusive ways?

Color Wheel Theory : Design & Chart.

Color Wheelï»żï»żIt is a tool/circle representing the relationships between various colors. It helps us in achieving different color schemes & combinations. It comprises 12 basic colors, which, when combined in perfect harmony, provides you with thousands of various tones and tints.

The Difference between Typeface and Font.

Typeface and Font are the two interchangeably used terminologies. Even experienced designers sometimes get confused among the two. But are they the same? Not. A set of letters, when combined and designed together systematically and harmoniously, forms a typeface.

What are the types of layout grids?

A layout can be defined as an invisible internal structure that governs the elements placed within the interface. It ensures that no matter how many screens you're designing, they all have the same internal structure and appear consistent. A layout is a structure formed by grids.

How 'the IKEA effect' impacts your decision-making

The IKEA Effect is a psychological phenomenon that makes people attach more value to things they build themselves. 👉 That means when you assemble your own IKEA furniture, your brain is tricked into thinking it's worth more than it actually is.

What is content design?

Have you ever opened a website or an app with bad content and got frustrated with it? In the digital world, design is crucial to make the customer use it. Increased cognitive load on the user makes them quit their task. Hence, the digital world needs a content designer.

Words that make your product sing

Choosing the right words is crucial to making a good product that people will love and return to. At the Google I/O developer conference in 2017, UX content experts Maggie Stanphill, Allison Rung and Juliana Appenrodt explained why the right words matter.

How to make a great Memo cover

Select an image that portrays the main subject, theme or idea that your Memo is all about. For example, the book "How Not to Die" is all about a vegan diet, so a photo of someone eating healthy would be great. Faces do the best!

Color Psychology: Understand Meaning, Mood & Feel.

We look at the color red, and the first thing that comes into our mind is danger and warning. Color affects mood and generates emotions. Learning about color psychology is about looking for meaning, perceptions that people make and have for different colors.

We live in a world starved of beauty

Introduction. The Geography of Nowhere, by James Kunstler, is a searing critique of contemporary urban design. James Kunstler argues that our modern built environment is unaffordable in the long term, painful to navigate on a daily basis, and above all ugly.


What is the Rule of Thirds in Imagery?

The rule of thirds is the most common rule used in photographic composition, & it is a useful rule to create balanced & interesting shots. When it comes to capturing the subject & the focused object, it is essential to learn about the composition of a picture.

Typeface Classifications In Typography.

Among the variety of typefaces available, it is essential to divide them into categories. It helps the designer understand the different typeface classifications, where they come from, and how they differ. The typefaces are divided into the below categories.

7 Heuristic Laws of Online User Experience

Follow the laws of User Experience Design (UX), and you can make a good product great. Let’s understand these laws and how to apply them to your products.

Interior Design: Why it matters

Interior design seems like the most frivolous thing in the world. But gone are the days when only million-dollar homes and Michelin-star restaurants had high end designs. More and more people are realizing good interiors make cents...20% more dollars and cents.

How big brands use neuromarketing to make you buy

Neuromarketing is commercial marketing that applies neuropsychology to market research. It uses medical technologies like Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalogram (EEG) to study the brain's responses to marketing stimuli. @


5 Reasons How UX Design Can Bring Value to Startups.

Startups are known for three things -- ideas and innovation, passion for taking risks, and the 'can do' spirit. Startups move through various stages like ideation, prototyping, MVP, product-market fit research, and more.

10 principles that should guide every designer

Design is hard as designers must balance utility, their personal aesthetics, and client demands - all at once. Therefore it's important to have general principles that can guide one through specific design challenges. Here are iconic designer Dieter Rams' 10 design principles👇

Chat Design Patterns & UI Templates For Android.

Messaging apps have been in town for a while. Starting from Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, iMessage to the chatbots that are here to stay. It’s like food for the digital world.  Let’s take a look at some of the best chat design patterns, the style, and UI templates they have used.


What is Leading in Typography?

Leading is the difference between the baseline of the types. In simple terms, the distance between the two lines of text is leading. Leading is extensively being used in the areas of User Interface Design. Correct spacing can make or break the interface.

What Is A Favicon?

The small graphical representation of the website you are visiting, which is visible on the left to the website’s name in the address bar, is called a favicon. It is a shortened expression for ‘favorite icon.’ It helps you identify the visited website among the many open tabs.