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Memo'd 🔖



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Mental Health and Coping Strategies

Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, and it affects how we think, feel, and behave. It is important to prioritize our mental health and take steps to maintain it.

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Top 10 Strange Things About the Universe

The universe is full of fascinating phenomena that continue to perplex scientists and ordinary people alike. From the behavior of subatomic particles to the structure of galaxies, the universe is full of strange and unexplained phenomena.


Need inspiration? Memo types that work!

So you want to write a Memo but the looming question is - "What should I write about?" Since launching the platform, we've seen patterns emerge that we're happy to share with you! Here are the Memo types that tend to get the most views and engagement:

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Twitter Playbook for Memo'd Creators

You’ve done the hard work of creating great Memos. Now is your chance to get even more people reading them.  Here’s how to drive traffic from your Twitter account to your Memos 👇👇


A Twitter thread by Héctor de León (El loco de los perros) on Technology

La calidad del software depende de muchos factores y uno de ellos es que el código sea de calidad. He grabado un conjunto de video donde explico buenas prácticas y el por qué y cuando realizarlas. Puedes dar RT, es gratis! 🧵


A Twitter thread by Héctor de León (El loco de los perros) on Technology

TypeScript es el superset de JavaScript, y si ya conoces Js el conocer TypeScript puede darte un skill extra a la hora de buscar trabajo. Te traigo cursos que he grabado los cuales son GRATIS sobre TypeScript Puede dar RT, puede servir a uno de tus seguidores 🧵

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How to make a great Memo cover

Select an image that portrays the main subject, theme or idea that your Memo is all about. For example, the book "How Not to Die" is all about a vegan diet, so a photo of someone eating healthy would be great. Faces do the best!


The next wave of online platforms will be focused on learning and growth

The volume of content being pumped out each day online is mind-boggling: over 2.5 quintillion bytes, which is equivalent to what was published in a whole year in the early 2000s.


10 Miracles of world mentioned in Quran

Creation of the universe: The Quran describes the creation of the universe and everything in it as a miraculous act of Allah. "He created the heavens and the earth with truth; He wraps the night around the day and wraps the day around the night." (39:5)

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Top 10 Terrifying Places on Earth

Throughout history, humans have encountered places that evoke fear and terror. Some of these places have become popular tourist attractions, while others remain hidden and unexplored. From haunted forests to abandoned asylums, the world is filled with mysterious Places.

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Top 10 Codes You aren’t Meant to Know

As technology continues to evolve, so do the codes that power our devices and systems. While most codes are readily accessible and open to the public, there are certain codes that are meant to be kept secret. These codes are often used for security and military purposes.


SEO: Get your Memos ranked high on Google

Well done! You've written some great Memos, and hopefully shared them with your network and on social media. But there's another way to get your Memos seen by more people for little extra effort.

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How to get started on Memo'd

Welcome to our knowledge sharing community! Here is everything you need to know to get the most out of Memo'd.


I Wrote 31 Memos in 31 Days. Here's What I Learned.

As a freelance copywriter, I am tasked to write about a lot of things. My favourite topics are travel, the environment, sustainability, animal rights and psychology, and in my day-to-day work, I mostly stay in my lane. Memod gives me a chance to break out of my comfort zone.

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Be good: 9 kinds of content to avoid on Memo’d

We believe in freedom of speech for our creators, so in most cases you can say what you like as long as it's well-reasoned. We hope your Memos will be in line with the spirit of the platform i.e. educative 🧑‍🎓 and inspiring 💡 

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Publish your first Memo: A step-by-step guide

Click ‘Create’ at the top right corner of your screen. Add the title of your Memo: it should be clear enough to be self-explanatory, yet intriguing enough to pull readers in.

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Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS)

The scope of novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) is quite broad and encompasses a variety of approaches to deliver drugs in a more targeted and effective manner. The primary goal of NDDS is to improve the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of drugs.

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Top 10 Facts about Sex

Sex is a natural and important part of human life. It is a topic that has been studied and discussed for centuries. Here are ten facts about sex that you may find interesting and informative.


"Discover the Top 10 Memos to Read on Memod.com"

Memo writing is a crucial part of any business or organization. A well-written memo can convey important information to employees, stakeholders, and management in a clear and concise manner.


Reddit Playbook for Creators

Why Reddit?: Reddit is a text-based platform that has similar audiences to Memo’d. Many of these users are there to explore interesting topics, discover new ideas and share their thoughts - just like on Memo’d. Reddit also tends to have more readers of longer form content.


A Twitter thread by Wisdom on Psycology

12 powerful lines from movies about psychology & life: 1. https://t.co/StibXkTemR


A Twitter thread by Houston Golden on Copyright

9 copywriting tips to improve your content: 1/ Be direct Complex copy might sound cool. But direct and simple copy gets read. It’s cool to sound savvy. It’s better to be understood.

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Latest Features on Memo'd! (Updated July, 2023)

Big news! Creators can now ‘lock’ Memos by putting them behind an individual paywall.


What makes a good Memo

The best way to learn how to write compelling Memos is to take a look at highly-rated existing ones. See how they are structured in terms of an eye-catching title, first point, and narrative flow. Writing in short sentences makes them more logical and easier to understand.