Need inspiration? Memo types that work!
Feb 01, 2023 · 2 mins read

So you want to write a Memo but the looming question is - "What should I write about?"
Since launching the platform, we've seen patterns emerge that we're happy to share with you! Here are the Memo types that tend to get the most views and engagement:
Top Lists: Google loves lists as titles, like Top 10 Episodes of Armchair Expert (one of our top viewed Memos on the platform, due to Google search traffic). In fact, all @podcastpro memos are lists of the top 10 most popular episodes of podcasts, and many are top viewed on Memo'd.
Big Popular Ideas: There are many concepts people may have heard of, but don't know what they're really about. Psychology, philosophy and history all have big ideas that people would love quickly and simply explained as a Memo, like this most read Memo explaining bureaucracies.
How To: Several top read Memos offer information on how to solve a problem. It can be anything from how to show emotional intelligence to how to set goals to how to improve your sex life. If you know how to do something and have ever explained it to someone else - Memo it!
Simplify the Complex: If you find yourself down the research rabbit hole on any given topic, white papers, news articles, Wikipedia entries - any of these could make great Memos. For example, Study shows just 1-2 alcoholic drinks per day damage your brain is a top read Memo.
Tell a True Story: What's swirling in the headlines lately? While Memo'd isn't about late breaking news, it is a great place for condensing complex stories from beginning to end. The True Crime Story "Stranger Things" is Based on and many other true crime Memos get lots of reads.
Name Drop: People love the familiar. Celebrities, influencers, philosophers - any big name with valuable insights is worth a Memo. Be sure to include their name in the title, for example, Peter Thiel's bookshelf: Resurrection from the Underground is one of the top read Memos.
Share Your Expertise: What do you find yourself most often advising others abut? Memo it! If your career, life experiences or passions have given you expertise - share them! Short paths to lucrative careers is a top read Memo that shares ideas for jobs with no degree required.
Books/Documentaries/Media: Reading any nonfiction? Memo it! Watch a great documentary? Memo it! If you have found yourself fascinated and learning from any media at all - it can be a great Memo like this top read Memo (on a subject that numerous documentaries covered!)
Remember, Memo'd is a platform that is laser focused on learning. If your Memo helps improve people's work, life, relationships or health in some way, or if it exposes them to ideas, philosophies, histories or true stories - it's great! Now you know, so go write a great Memo!