Growth 🌱

Growing pains
How we all wished life came with an instruction manual. No one really prepares you for adulthood. They allow you to go on the adventure alone so as to suffer the same plight of all those before you. Would the world not be better had we been prepared?

Scenarios for the future of India; and the world- Author Arun Maira
Released on 17 March 2021, Arun Maira's new book "A billion Fireflies: Critical Conversations to Shape a New Post-pandemic World" is all about stirring a conversation amongst concerned people to develop innovative solutions for the trajectory of economic progress.

2016-2022 Digital Initiatives Powering India's FinTech Supremacy
1/ Year: 2016 Initiative: UPI & BHIM 2/ Year: 2016 Initiative: Aggregator NBFC 3/ Year: 2016 Initiative: GST 4/ Year: 2016 Initiative: Demonitization 5/ Year: 2016 Initiative: Bharat Bill Payment System 6/ Year: 2016 Initiative: On-tap universal bank licenses

5 Ways To Convert Your Newsletter to A Powerful Income Stream
I started writing my weekly newsletters in Oct 2020.Since then, I've earned• $1500+ from Sponsorships• $4000+ from direct offersas a side income!Newsletters can turn your audience into a thriving business.Here're the five ways to earn money from your email newsletter

What are the societal consequences of a falling sperm count?
The economy stagnates and government debt explodes with low birth rates. But sustainable birth rates need, among other things, high quality sperm. However, a study published by Hebrew University in 2011 showed the sperm count has reduced by more than hal

Is Economic Growth Without Population Growth Possible?
Ruchir Sharma outlines the political, social and economic factors that make a country successful in his book, 10 Rules for Successful Nations. Below are the most important ideas from his chapter on population, and how successful nations can fight demograp

'His First Flight' by Liam O'Flaherty: A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Embracing Growth (Summary)
The story "His First Flight" by Liam O'Flaherty centers on a young seagull's fear of flying, a metaphor for our own apprehensions in trying new things. It's a powerful reflection of the inner turmoil we face when stepping out of our comfort zones.

3 Insanely Underrated Books That Will Change The Way You Think
Passionate about self-improvement? Read these 3 insanely underrated books that will change the way you think 📗🧵👇

Indian Startups: To merge or not to merge!
Leaving the pandemic lull and the uncertainties of 2020 & 21 behind, Indian startup ecosystem has entered a consolidation stage with the first half of 2022 witnessing 175 acquisitions up from 98 during the same period last year.

Is it your *mindset* that’s holding back your relationship?
Perhaps you’ve heard about “growth” and “fixed” mindsets via the work of psychologist Carol Dweck. A fixed mindset is when you think your talents, character, & qualities are unchangeable. In love, it means you may not put enough effort into learning from your past relationships. @

Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development
Look at an infant and you’ll see how they demand constant assurance of love and coddling, never letting go of the mother’s arms. Then they turn two and the impulse to assert their freedom takes over, manifesting in exploring electric plugs and breaking vases.

How to develop a better understanding of yourself
The problem with self-help books is that they often promise a better you. But you can’t improve yourself without growing up first. This requires four types of self-discipline: 1) Acceptance of responsibility 2) Delaying gratification 3) dedication to trut

7 Emotional Mistakes Even Intelligent Individuals Make
One often overlooked aspect of emotional well-being is the prevalence of emotional mistakes, even among highly intelligent individuals. These mistakes can have far-reaching consequences, such as cycles of low mood, anxiety, procrastination, and strained relationships.

Love: a surprising Eastern Orthodox Christian perspective
Jonathan Pageau, Orthodox Christian icon carver and creator of the YouTube channel The Symbolic World, speaks a lot about love (not romantic love, but simply “love” as a force) – what it means, how it works, and how it compels us to act in the world. Read on to know more… @

The deceptively simple formula for personal growth
Introduction. Carl Rogers was an influential 20th century American psychologist with a single, life-long obsession: how to help people grow. Through his research and clinical practice he developed a simple but effective system to facilitate "personal growth" in his clients 👇