Travel 🗺

10 Most Exciting Adventure Activities To Try Before You Die
For many people, adventure is the spice of life. It's what makes us feel alive, pushes us out of our comfort zones, and creates unforgettable memories. If you're a thrill-seeker looking for your next adrenaline rush, here are ten exciting adventure activities you should try befor

The Most Underrated, Inexpensive Cities in North America Ranked
With the baseline Disney package for a family of 4 coming in at $6,000, traveling with family feels like a lost cause. It's not. While premier destinations like New York or Disney will always come with a steep price tag, there are many other destinations you can enjoy for less.

Is Time Travel Possible? NASA, Einstein & Live Science say yes!
From The Twilight Zone to Rick & Morty, the idea of traveling through space to the past or future has been around for ages. But as video telephones, self-driving cars and other sci-fi dreams have turned reality, it's theorized that time travel may be possible too. Here's how:

Sustainable Staycations : How to Holiday at Home
With the price of basic utilities skyrocketing and inflation at an all time high, taking a vacation may be out of financial reach for some of us. Flights and accommodation fees are not a priority, never mind the ecological consequences and carbon emissions involved with aviation.

5 Potential Issues With Being a Digital Nomad in Croatia
No country is perfect. Whether it's corruption, infrastructure, bureaucracy, taxes, cost of living, or unemployment, the people of nations often contend with a whole host of problems. And, depending on the location, being a digital nomad comes with its own unique challenges.

How to travel on a budget
Travel has been known to have many psychological benefits, including reducing stress and increasing happiness. According to a study by the Global Commission on Aging and Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, nearly 70% of people who travel regularly report feeling happier.

Digital Nomadism : The Pros and Cons of the Work/Travel Lifestyle
Since the global pandemic shut down businesses and forced employees into remote working from home, many staff have seen the advantages that not having to attend a job in person can bring. Saving time and money, allowing childcare and family obligations makes working accessible.

Tasting Culture: The importance of eating your way through your next vacation
I was given advice many many years ago. When traveling abroad, look for places without pictures on their menu, an English menu, nor a credit card machine. That last point may no longer be the case as accepting credit is much easier now. The intention holds; eat local when abroad.

5 Reasons to Be a Digital Nomad in Croatia
It didn't take long for me to fall in love with Croatia. I've lived most of my life in rainy, congested England, where the cost of living is absurdly high and the standard of housing ridiculously low. After a few days in the shadow of the Velebit, I felt I could breathe again.

7 Things I Learned About Business from a Moroccan Market
I’m just back from a short trip to Marrakech, Morocco, where among other things I spent a lot of time shopping in the souks, or bazaars, trying to find good deals on items I could bring home with me.Here are 7 things I learned about business along the way 👇🏻

Vanlife and the F.I.R.E. Movement: Can Living In A Van Help You Reach Your Financial Goals?
Living in a van has never been more appealing, the trend shows no sign of slowing down. But rather than seeking adventure, some vanlifers are using their rigs as a money saving mechanism. The vanlife community is also made up of F.I.R.E. method subscribers. @