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Vanlife and the F.I.R.E. Movement: Can Living In A Van Help You Reach Your Financial Goals?

Jun 14, 2022 · 2 mins read



Living in a van has never been more appealing, the trend shows no sign of slowing down. But rather than seeking adventure, some vanlifers are using their rigs as a money saving mechanism. The vanlife community is also made up of F.I.R.E. method subscribers.



F.I.R.E. stands for Financially Independent, Retire Early. The popular movement encourages people to save a staggering 70% of their incomes with the aim of retiring long before aged 65. Methods used to bank the bucks include extreme frugality, investing and adding a side income.



Can vanlife help achieve the dream of retiring early and comfortably? Having a roof over your head is essential, but average rent is up 30% in some cities. Sometimes adequate living conditions are hard to come by. Vanlife provides privacy, independence and affordability!



Purchasing an RV can be an expensive endeavour. Many choose to build their own, creating beautiful bespoke campers with all they need to live. With full time employment and without a heavy mortgage weighing you down, vanlife could be a practical way to accelerate your savings.



There are expenses associated. The van itself must be insured and maintained. High fuel prices means travelling long distances is not an option. Butane gas and campsite fees are subject to inflation too. Still, these costs fade in significance against a house budget.



In the gig economy, having a van can be pivotal to paid work. Using your rig to deliver food, groceries or packages is viable, or travelling to festivals or worksites as a laborer or stage crew. Some positions pay hotel expenses which you can pocket and invest later. 



Since the work-from-home revolution, digital nomadism is gaining in popularity as a career style. Workers are no longer tied to a specific location to perform their functions, and vanlife allows the freedom to travel, stop, work, and repeat at your leisure and on your time. 



Not everybody is cut out for alternative lifestyles. Vans can be difficult to heat and cool. Parking may become an issue in built up areas. There are services required like access to drinking water and waste facilities. Sometimes it can be a struggle to find what you need. 



Living in a van for an extended period of time can change a person's thinking. Everyday life is different and exciting, and opportunities abound for thrill seekers. Once you see how affordable the lifestyle can be, saving money for the future is an easy task! 



So, for the more adventurous frugalists out there, vanlife and the F.I.R.E. movement can go hand in hand. If saving money while travelling and working at your own pace is your dream, consider your options for vanlife in a little home on wheels. The open road is calling!




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