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Vanlife 🚐


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How to Survive a Vanlife Heatwave

With temperatures soaring throughout mainland Europe and record-breaking heat predicted, plans are in place to protect people, pets and properties from the extreme conditions of the weather event. The internet is awash with tips for battling the heat and staying comfortable.

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Vanlife and the F.I.R.E. Movement: Can Living In A Van Help You Reach Your Financial Goals?

Living in a van has never been more appealing, the trend shows no sign of slowing down. But rather than seeking adventure, some vanlifers are using their rigs as a money saving mechanism. The vanlife community is also made up of F.I.R.E. method subscribers. @


Why Your Next House Should Be Tiny

The Tiny House Movement is a trend towards humans inhabiting a more realistic sized space for everyday life. Proponents of the tiny house ethos value simpler living, minimalism and the eco friendly sustainability afforded by a tiny house, thinking less space means less waste.   @


What Not To Do... Hiking

Hiking is a great way to relax, unwind and explore the natural world. But the Great Outdoors can also be unpredictable, uncertain and dangerous. Be prepared for whatever comes your way. To ensure your next hike is a fun, safe and comfortable one, here is what NOT to do... hiking!