Memos on Life, Love, Travel & Success | Sister profile of @ProbingMinds
How to combat inflation in daily life
Inflation is at 8.5% in the US as of May 2022, its highest point in the past 40 years. While central banks and governments try to fix the problem on the macro scale, there are practical things you and I can do to minimize inflation’s effects.

China’s last generation?
The past two years have been both tumultuous and defining for China against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. But beyond the ever-growing wall between the most populous nation on earth and the West, there is another, more intimate battle playing out within.

7 extraordinary things you could experience trekking in Nepal
Nepal is of course known for its mountains including the world’s tallest, Mount Everest. But don’t let the famous terrain cause you to miss everything else below this iconic peak, including the amazing people and cultures of Nepal.

Countries with bad reps – and why you should visit them
Reputations are difficult to shake. In the travel world, there have always been a handful of destinations, whether cities, countries, or even entire regions, that struggle to attract visitors when they shouldn’t necessarily have to. @

9 places to visit before it’s too late
With Covid travel restrictions easing across the globe, 2022 may be the perfect chance to take that long-awaited holiday. Here are 9 amazing places you might want to consider before it’s too late to see them at all!

The F.I.R.E. movement - what is it and should you join?
The standard age of retirement is 65, but many young workers today would like to bring that milestone forward and are exploring an alternative solution to achieve retirement as much as 30 years in advance. This is the Financial Independence, Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) movement. @

How to graduate college debt-free
The price of a U.S. college education has risen faster than inflation for decades. But the cost-benefit analysis still says college is worth it (see link). So how can you find the funds to cover college and graduate with little or any debt? Read on to find out... @

Is a college degree really worth the money?
Does a US college degree lead to a higher salary and better opportunities, or does it only put you in a worse financial position than before? With costs of higher education on the rise, it’s worth questioning whether a college degree has legitimate value in the 21st century. @

10 leadership pitfalls from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich
“Inability to organize details. Efficient leadership calls for an ability to organize and to master details… [He] must be the master of all details connected with his position. That means, of course, that he must acquire the habit of relegating details to capable lieutenants.” @

Why is soccer the world’s favorite sport?
Soccer has more than 3 billion fans from nearly every continent and culture in the world. But why is it so popular? And why hasn’t it been dethroned by another game finely tuned by commercial interests or by changing sporting tastes? @

8 steps to budget-friendly travel
Have disappearing COVID-19 restrictions around the world reignited your desire to travel? Are you looking for ways to travel on a low budget? Read on for simple, tried-and-true methods for seeing the world while saving your cash. @

The amazing Joseph: The Bible’s original rags to riches tale
Imagine being a slave at 17, in prison in your 20s, and the leader of an empire at 30. The Bible’s first book, Genesis, contains just such a story.

Is ‘follow your passion’ bad advice?
Cal Newport, computer science professor and author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You, says following your passion is poor career advice. This goes against many mainstream sources which command: ‘Follow your dreams!’. But what does Newport offer as an alternative?

Is Pep Guardiola really that good - or just lucky?
Pep Guardiola is again leading the top soccer team (Manchester City) in the top league in the world. His managerial successes span fourteen years and three countries, yet his detractors say he only coaches teams who are already dominant and wealthy enough to buy the best players.

How learning a new language can help you fall in love again
Marriage and relationships counselor Gary Chapman identified five unique “languages” to explain how people feel most loved–and thus the best way to love your romantic partner. They’re well known by now, but here’s a concise reminder that could save or improve your relationship.

8 things you must do in your twenties
Many treat their twenties as if they don’t matter, but clinical psychologist Meg Jay wholeheartedly disagrees. She wrote The Defining Decade from her experience working with twentysomethings. Follow these rules to make sure you get the most out of your twenties.