Relationships ๐

Legal Rights Every Woman Should Know in Domestic Violence Cases: A Surprising Guide
Many women don't realize that they can request a female officer when reporting domestic violence. This can make the process less intimidating and more comfortable, ensuring that the victim feels heard and understood from the very first step.

5 Shocking Insights From The World's Longest Study On Happiness.
Harvard researchers began a decades-long study in 1938 to discover what makes us happy in life. It has tracked the same individuals for 85 years collected health records of 724 families throughout the world and asked extensive questions about their lives every two years.

Science of Why Unhealthy Relationships Can Be So Addictive
Unhealthy attachments in relationships can be perplexing. Often people form deep attachments even with those who mistreat them or remain unavailable. Understanding the psychological aspects and the science behind these dynamics is crucial to gaining awareness and personal growth.

The Karpman Triangle: Unveiling its Power and Practical Applications
In 1968, Stephen Karpman developed a model for understanding interpersonal conflict. Today it is a widely used psychological tool to help people transcend feelings of powerlessness in complicated relationship dynamics through personal responsibility.

263 of the worldโs longest-living people and their 9 'non-negotiables' for a long, happy life.
Dan Buettner the New York Times Bestselling Author of five books on longevity & happiness. He traveled across the world to study the areas in which people live exceptionally long lives: Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece & Loma Linda, California.

The Secrets of Successful Communication: Insights from 'How To Win Friends and Influence People'
How To Win Friends and Influence People was first published in 1937 in an edition of only 5000 copies and as of now, over 30 million copies have been sold worldwide, making it one of the best-selling books of all time. It has been translated into nearly every known language.