Parenting 🧑🍼

Surprising Facts About Alabama's Child Custody Laws That Will Leave You Intrigued
Alabama's child custody laws prioritize the child's best interests, but did you know that the state has a unique "tender years doctrine"? This doctrine subtly favors mothers for children under 7, though it's not an absolute rule and can be contested in court.

Chapter 3: "The Science of Compassion and How It Relates to Parenting"
"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It is a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity." - Pema Chödrön

Teens, Tears and Compassion: Overcoming Struggles Together with Care by Suzy Bliss
Teens, Tears, and Compassion: Overcoming Struggles Together" is a comprehensive guide for parents. It provides guidance for navigating the challenging journey of raising teenagers. The book draws on the latest insights from neuroscience, counselling, and compassionate practices.

Helicopter, Free-Range, Tiger and Attachment Parenting Styles: Experts Weigh In
Parenting philosophies vary widely as various value systems, cultures, religions, etc. all have different ideas about the best ways to raise children. Here is a look at four popular parenting styles that have gained momentum in American households, and experts thoughts on them:

How Marie Kondo Now Embraces Messy Life with Kids
Marie Kondo's 2010 book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and her hit Netflix show on home organization made her a global sensation known for her signature method of organizing by identifying items that "spark joy", discarding everything else, and creating immaculate spaces.

Being a champion for your partner through new parenthood
Nothing rocked our world like our son’s arrival in 2020. It was easy to get lost in happy milestones, cluster-feeding, and frantic late-night searching about the color of poop. I asked my husband about some of the ways we’re still a life raft for each other (my sexy life raft).

What do creative activities look like with a toddler?
Some of my favorite early memories are of the art projects I did with my mom. As a pandemic parent to a fiery toddler, I've relied on those moments for inspiration on rainy days. Whether you're here in solidarity or hoping for ideas, here's what I've learned in two years time:

Cultivating Patience in the Face of Anger: Insights from Shantideva Suzy Bliss
Anger can become a harmful pattern, causing us to perceive negativity and react aggressively even in neutral situations. Though anger serves to warn of threats, motivate actions, and defend boundaries, chronic anger raises stress, narrows thinking, damages relationships, and lead

Lessons on relationships from the book Good Inside
The New York Times bestseller book Good Inside by Dr. Becky Peterson, helpful for parents and relationships in general, is based on the idea that we are all essentially good inside. There are lessons that can be applied to any relationship between two people. Here are just a few:

The Safety Lesson Every Parent Should Be Teaching Their Child
From the moment you bring your bundle of joy home there is a natural drive to protect them. From baby-proofing your home to navigating a curfew, safety is critically important. But when it comes to preventing child abuse, many parents aren’t sure where to begin.

Recession Proof Your Kids: How to Talk to Kids About Job Loss, Tight Budgets, & the Economy
It seems like talk of recession and the impact of inflation is everywhere these days. Whether it’s the price of eggs or possible lay-offs, the economy is affecting us all. If you have kids, it’s likely that you are concerned about how this will affect them and how much to share.

Chapter 4: Overcoming Barriers to Connecting with Teenagers
It’s in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped- Tony Robbins.Teens seek independence while parents retain responsibility for safety. Transition causes role changes and limit testing instigating friction. Cultivate self-awareness to notice triggers before reacting.

8 of Bill Nye's Best & Simplest Science Fair Exhibit Ideas
Bill Nye is a mechanical engineer who has been educating kids since the 1993 debut of his famous "Bill Nye the Science Guy" show. He has since gone on to produce science shows on Netflix, Peacock and more. Here are 8 of his easy experiments that make great science fair projects:

The Four Types of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay C. Gibson's 2015 bestseller Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents is a self-help guide for those who experience residual trauma and stress from their childhood. The book is often recommended by therapists to help clarify emotional regulation issues in adults.

Why online "mom-culture" can be your saving grace and your ruin
The rise of social media brought about a new culture of motherhood, "mom-culture,” where moms share parenting experiences, tips, and advice on various platforms. This in turn has given rise to a secondary culture, "mom-fluencers." Here's the good, bad, and the ugly.