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Behavior 🙄


10 Secrets revealed about rabbits

Why do rabbits have such long ears? It's not surprising that rabbits have excellent hearing thanks to their ear shape, but their ears are also essential for regulating their temperature. Since they can't sweat, they use their ears to radiate away any excess heat.

What you should know about "honest lying"

Confabulation is a medical phenomenon where someone creates events or memories, often elaborately shared, that are untrue. Yet they wholly believe them, often in vivid detail. The reasons for this vary, but a few things to know are...

How to protect yourself from ‘doomscrolling’

You know those moments when it seems like the world is on fire and you can’t look away from your phone? That’s doomscrolling – a habit spreading so fast that it’s having serious implications for mental health everywhere…

How ‘radical candor’ can transform your working life

Radical candor = being kind while challenging someone directly. If that sounds like a confusing contradiction, don’t worry. Kim Scott wrote a bestselling book about how those two elements fit together – and it can be understood in minutes.

The thing about finding love that nobody wants to tell you...

Let me share a secret about love that you won’t find in most relationship books: Don’t go looking for it.

The Secret Handshake: How to win at office politics

The higher you go up the corporate ladder, the more people skills outweigh technical skills. But don’t assume that everyone at an elite level is above playing games or being petty. Those things still exist – they just get more subtle.

What’s “gaslighting”? And how can I tell if my partner is doing it?

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation where someone tricks you into questioning your own perception of events. When used repeatedly, it can feel like you’re losing your sanity.

Ghosting explained: The reasons people do it (and how to respond)

Ghosting is when someone disappears from your life without explanation. No calls, no messages, no online interaction. Whatever you say or do, they just won’t reply… @


Why is it so hard to see our own hangups and neuroses?

Our inner conflicts and neurotic tendencies are a terrible waste of our energy, and if left unchecked they can corrupt our whole life. But how can we identify and deal with them?

How 'the IKEA effect' impacts your decision-making

The IKEA Effect is a psychological phenomenon that makes people attach more value to things they build themselves. 👉 That means when you assemble your own IKEA furniture, your brain is tricked into thinking it's worth more than it actually is.

Next On Netflix : D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?!

There is nothing quite like a newly released Netflix series to stir the imagination and breathe fresh life into old FBI cold cases. This is no different. A series in 4 parts, ‘D. B. Cooper : Where are you?!’ tells the fascinating tale of the worlds first successful skyjacking.

Made a mistake? Own it. You’ll learn more and gain respect

Mistakes can hurt like hell. It’s hard to be confronted by our own flaws, and seeing them reflected through the eyes of others can sting even more. But here’s how you bounce back even stronger...

The simple power of ‘positive rudeness’ will improve your work life

People will do almost anything to avoid appearing rude – but that only holds you back. Think of all the bad haircuts, bad food, and bad sex that could’ve been prevented with a bit of direct communication.

How to turn your anxiety into a superpower

The moment anxiety announces itself in your chest or stomach – often without warning – is one of the most unwanted feelings there is. But get this: a bit of anxiety can actually help you to live a better life.

How can I navigate big life changes smoothly?

Life is unpredictable. It can throw challenges our way at any moment – and sometimes things are never quite the same. How we navigate these disruptions is known as a “life transition”.

What are the subtle signs of a relationship in trouble?

It all starts in our head. When we find ourselves constantly thinking the same toxic things about our partner, a relationship can quickly derail – even if those thoughts aren’t true!

Nostalgia: How it works and why it's so damn powerful

Nostalgia is a momentary yearning for the past. But even this simple definition took experts centuries to come up with... mostly because nobody was sure how or why we experience it.


Discover if you're a highly sensitive person – and how it affects your life

See (and feel) the world a little differently? You may be a highly sensitive person and not even know it. If you can recognize yourself in any of the following traits, your personality type is about to make a lot more sense…

The toxic effects of perfectionism

Perfectionism means striving for flawlessness. It is having unrealistic expectations, followed by negative feelings when those expectations aren’t met.

The future of lying: How technology helps filter the facts

We’re constantly coming up with new ways to lie. Fake reviews, “astroturfing” (concerted efforts at online propaganda), and even everyday lines like “On my way” or “Sorry, phone was dead” have all become routine forms of deception in today’s hyper-connect


Everyday ways to feel better: Lifesaving tips from Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

Every evening, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee performs the same five-minute ritual: he and his wife brew a pot of mint tea, put the screens away, and just be present with each other. It’s a tiny gesture with a huge payoff – not just in the moment, but in the bigge

People are like the weather: Not worth getting mad over

If you saw someone getting upset at the weather, you’d probably think they’d lost their mind. If something is hard to predict and beyond your control, why let it bother you?

The hidden costs of perfectionism…

Perfectionism is not, as many think, about always trying to make things perfect. It’s more like a state of mind where nothing ever seems good enough. The consequences of getting trapped in this can be brutal…


The Confidence Code: Simple secrets worth knowing

Confidence is what turns intentions into actions. It means having enough self-belief to try, to take a chance. And the more action you commit to, the closer you get to your end goal.

Are we mostly the result of genes or environment?

The combining of your parents’ genes was a little miracle that would oversee the creation and assemblage of proteins that would ultimately make you, you.