Behavior 🙄

Why is it so hard to see our own hangups and neuroses?
Our inner conflicts and neurotic tendencies are a terrible waste of our energy, and if left unchecked they can corrupt our whole life. But how can we identify and deal with them?

Next On Netflix : D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?!
There is nothing quite like a newly released Netflix series to stir the imagination and breathe fresh life into old FBI cold cases. This is no different. A series in 4 parts, ‘D. B. Cooper : Where are you?!’ tells the fascinating tale of the worlds first successful skyjacking.

Discover if you're a highly sensitive person – and how it affects your life
See (and feel) the world a little differently? You may be a highly sensitive person and not even know it. If you can recognize yourself in any of the following traits, your personality type is about to make a lot more sense…

The future of lying: How technology helps filter the facts
We’re constantly coming up with new ways to lie. Fake reviews, “astroturfing” (concerted efforts at online propaganda), and even everyday lines like “On my way” or “Sorry, phone was dead” have all become routine forms of deception in today’s hyper-connect

Everyday ways to feel better: Lifesaving tips from Dr. Rangan Chatterjee
Every evening, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee performs the same five-minute ritual: he and his wife brew a pot of mint tea, put the screens away, and just be present with each other. It’s a tiny gesture with a huge payoff – not just in the moment, but in the bigge