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Unveiling the Power of Values in Conquering Anxiety with ACT

Imagine anxiety as a wild, untamed river. ACT teaches us to build a bridge of values over it, not to stop the flow, but to cross it safely.

Unraveling Stress Responses: Fight, Flight, or Freeze?

When your boss emails "We need to talk," your palms sweat. That's your body shouting "Danger," flipping its ancient alarm system.

5 Signs you are suffering from anxiety

In my last post, I wrote about dealing with anxiety. Today I'm writing about the common signs you suffer from anxiety. I'm not a professional and therefore can not diagnose. Here are some common signs you are struggling. If you find that it resonates with you please seek help.

How can I stay calm under pressure?

We’ve all experienced some form of cracking under pressure, whether it’s drawing a blank when everyone’s watching or not performing as hoped when it really matters. These spikes of nerves affect even professional athletes and public figures. But why?

How can I manage anxiety in times of stress and uncertainty?

The first step is to acknowledge your feelings and make space for them. Instead of trying to fight your anxiety, take a more compassionate approach: recognize that these feelings are a natural part of our fight-flight-or-freeze instinct. This awareness a

Embrace Uncertainty: ACT's Path to Calm

Embracing uncertainty is not about giving up control, but finding peace in the unknown. ACT teaches us to accept our thoughts without judgment, a first step to inner calm.

8 Scientifically Proven Alternatives to Pharmaceuticals for Anxiety

Dealing with anxiety is no walk in the park. While pharmaceuticals are commonly prescribed, some individuals prefer natural alternatives. Here, we'll explore eight scientifically proven alternatives to pharmaceuticals that can help alleviate anxiety.

5 Grounding techniques for Anxiety.

Although anxiety affects more than 30% percents the population. It is very rarely taken as something serious, it's not just a little bit of nerves or butterflies. It can be pretty daunting and often very isolating. I've suffered with anxiety and panic attacks my whole life

Do you (or your partner) have an Anxious attachment system?

The bestseller "Attached" by neuroscientist Dr. Amir Levine and social psychologist Rachel Heller, explores the way attachment styles affect relationships. Their book primarily looks at Avoidant, Anxious and Secure relationship systems.

Transforming Anxiety into Action: Your First Therapy Session Guide

Anxiety before your first therapy session is like standing at the edge of a new beginning. Embrace it as a step towards understanding yourself better, not as a barrier.

EFT Tapping: Therapy Dr. Oz, Madonna & More Swear By

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. Clinical EFT Tapping has proven in over 100 tests to reduce anxiety, stress, cravings and more. Similar to the proven acupuncture technique, EFT Tapping stimulates accupressure points which release a variety of brain chemicals.

Are you suffering from an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety refers to the anticipation of a future concern and is associated with muscle tension and avoidance behaviour. Everyone experiences occasional feelings of anxiety and nervousness. It is a normal stress reaction and can be helpful in some situations.

How to turn your anxiety into a superpower

The moment anxiety announces itself in your chest or stomach – often without warning – is one of the most unwanted feelings there is. But get this: a bit of anxiety can actually help you to live a better life.