Public Collection
We believe in freedom of speech for our creators, so in most cases you can say what you like as long as it's well-reasoned. We hope your Memos will be in line with the spirit of the platform i.e. educative 🧑🎓 and inspiring 💡
Select an image that portrays the main subject, theme or idea that your Memo is all about. For example, the book "How Not to Die" is all about a vegan diet, so a photo of someone eating healthy would be great. Faces do the best!
The best way to learn how to write compelling Memos is to take a look at highly-rated existing ones. See how they are structured in terms of an eye-catching title, first point, and narrative flow. Writing in short sentences makes them more logical and easier to understand.
Click ‘Create’ at the top right corner of your screen. Add the title of your Memo: it should be clear enough to be self-explanatory, yet intriguing enough to pull readers in.
So you want to write a Memo but the looming question is - "What should I write about?" Since launching the platform, we've seen patterns emerge that we're happy to share with you! Here are the Memo types that tend to get the most views and engagement:
Add Memos using the button below, or directly from a Memo card.