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Spirituality 🙏



Unlocking Spiritual Realms With Switch Words

Whisper ancient mantras like 'TOGETHER DIVINE' and feel the mystical shift as you invoke unity with the cosmos.


Kabbalah: Why Study Of It Comes With A Warning

Every religion gives rise to mystical offshoots that provide a more personal intimacy with the divine, compared with the dogma and institutions of the mother faith.

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Ancient Teachings for Modern Life: 5 Life Lessons from The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is not just the world's oldest book, but also one of its finest. Since ancient times, humanity has been guided by the majestic teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. It was spoken around 5000 years ago just before the start of the Mahabharat war.


Blaise Pascal: Reason AND Faith Leads to Great Things

Blaise Pascal was a great scientific mind of his time. After building 50 prototypes he invented the mechanical calculator - the Pascaline. With Fermat he helped develop probability, and he had brilliant insights in the philosophy of mathematics.

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Catherine Ponder: Short Bio of the Prosperity Author

Catherine Ponder is an American author who is best known for her books on prosperity and spirituality. As of the time of writing, she is in her 90s and living in Palm Desert California. I have a special love for her work, and wrote about her in "50 Prosperity Classics"


8 New Year's Resolutions to Stoke the Embers Within!

When the indulgence of the festive season comes to a close, and a sobering January sinks its tendrils in, people around the world will start making their resolution: joining gyms, quitting bad habits, and trying their best to implement positive changes.


What’s inside the best-selling book of all time?

The Bible is a unique book, the combined product of dozens of authors over centuries. It offers insight into the nature of God and humankind, and whether believed or not, its ideas and narrative are foundational to modern society.  @

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Are spiritual and wellness practices helping you avoid your deeper issues?

John Welwood, author and psychotherapist, coined the term “spiritual bypassing” in 1984, bringing new light to the potentially unhealthy ways spiritual and wellness practices could be used to unconsciously avoid having to grow and face one's pain.


Why Nikolai Berdyaev's Spiritual Philosophy is Surprisingly Relevant Today

Ever heard of Nikolai Berdyaev? He was a philosopher who turned the tables on traditional thought. His ideas: a blend of freedom, creativity, and spirituality that still sparks debates today. Here's why...


Kabbalah: A Path Out of Obscurity

The Kabbalah only came into being in the 1100s, in a learned Jewish community in Southern France. It spread into Spain, incorporating elements of Pythagorean, Neoplatonic and Sufi mysticism along the way.

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Exploring the Jaw-Dropping Truths About Self-Awareness From The Four Agreements.

For more than 10 years, The Four Agreements was a bestseller in The New York Times. It has sold over 10 million copies in the U.S. Don Miguel Ruiz was a surgeon when a tragic car crash forever changed his life and he became an author.

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"The Screwtape Letters" - C.S. Lewis' Strange Spiritual Classic

You probably know C.S. Lewis best from The Chronicles of Narnia. But his conversion to Christianity gave him another outlet for his imagination. Lewis knew that most people are not moved by rational or theological arguments. But stories might spark spiritual awakening.


How to Support Someone Experiencing Grief

Grief is a universal experience that comes in many forms. While mainly associated with mourning the loss of someone (whether their life has ended or not) it can also mean dealing with the loss of a part of ourselves, like, for example, the love we were deprived of in childhood.


Buddhist Wisdom on Identifying and Maintaining True Love

Renowned Zen Monk Tich Nhat Hanh compiled brief, timeless insights on love according to the Buddhist tradition in the book "True Love". People of any faith can learn from, practice and utilize these philosophical ideas to improve their relationships.


What is love? M. Scott Peck’s unexpected definition

How do you begin to define love? M. Scott Peck in his book The Road Less Traveled has a meticulously crafted section on the subject. In order to truly define what it is, he first discusses what love is NOT, starting with ‘falling in love’. 


The Wisdom of Rumi: 9 Poetic Insights on Love, Life, and Spirituality

Let me take you on a quick tour of the mystical world of Rumi, a 13th-century poet whose words transcend time, offering insights on love, life, and spirituality that still resonate deeply today.


How to Get Wealthy (Without Getting Rich)

This is a collection of notes to self rather than pieces of advice: I only write about what I struggle with.


Pascal's Wager: Do You Dare To Take It?

Child prodigy Blaise Pascal developed probability with Fermat, invented the hydraulic press (“Pascal” is a unit of pressure), and created one of the first calculators. But at 31 a mystical experience saw him give up math and science and devote himself to spirit and philosophy.

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Eight Great Spiritual Novels

All novels seek to elevate or entertain, but some authors use fiction to bring the reader a bit closer to enlightenment. Here’s eight of the best (and bestselling) spiritual novels of all time:

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10 Life-Changing Quotes from Late Spiritual Teacher Ram Dass

“In most of our human relationships, we spend much of our time reassuring one another that our costumes of identity are on straight.” Many of us bulldoze through our lives heavily invested in the many roles we play. Who we truly are lies beneath, is no one, and one with all.


The short, puzzling life of Simone Weil

How did a left-wing intellectual become one of the 20th century's better-known mystics? This is the puzzle of Simone Weil's short life.

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How to suffer like a pro

Written by American psychiatrist M.Scott Peck in 1978, The Road Less Traveled opens with a simple statement- ‘life is difficult’. From the outset, the author is clear that he will speak to his audience plainly and boldly.