8 New Year's Resolutions to Stoke the Embers Within!
Dec 12, 2022 · 2 mins read

When the indulgence of the festive season comes to a close, and a sobering January sinks its tendrils in, people around the world will start making their resolution: joining gyms, quitting bad habits, and trying their best to implement positive changes.
However, while nearly all are noble undertakings, most resolutions tend to be rooted more in the corporeal rather than the spiritual. In honour of the late Ram Dass and Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, I wanted to provide 10 that speak to your higher self. So let's begin!
1. I will set aside time each day to connect with my inner wisdom. We tend to spend a lot of time seesawing from one thought to the other. Carving out a little time each day will help to draw upon that boundless source within, facilitating calm, joy, and a clearer perspective.
2. I will show compassion to myself by being gentle towards mistakes and forgiving of shortcomings. Many people find it easy to give to others but struggle to acknowledge that they too are just as deserving of love. Remember, failures are unavoidable and a key part of growth.
3. I will strive to find deeper meaning in experiences that may appear mundane. Sometimes life can feel like a drag and isn't always what we'd call "fun". Remind yourself that the light of the universe exists in all things and even the most menial tasks will be elevated.
5) I will listen proactively to those around me so that I can better understand their perspectives. In today's world, it has become easy to give in to preconceptions and tribalism judging people without taking the time to fully understand them. Time to break this mould.
6) I will be courageous when faced with fear or uncertainty, choosing to step out of my comfort zone. This isn't easy, for anyone, but when combined with the second resolution, you'll be emotionally equipped to step over those thresholds and break the barriers holding you back.
7) I will practice gratitude - fully appreciating life's wonderful moments both big and small. Science has finally caught up to ancient traditions and shown that there are few practices as powerful and beneficial as simply being grateful. Do it as much as possible!
8) l resolve to frequently ask “How may I serve?” from a place of love rather than obligation. Given the allure of content targeting our self-interest, too easily do we forget our true calling on this earth. Helping others benefits us as much (if not more) than those we assist.
While these resolutions may seem airy-fairy to you, following them will drastically improve your life. Not only can they help you achieve material success (if that's your goal) but also grant the perspective to see beyond it to a world of infinitely more value: your fiery spirit!