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Socrates at the Water Cooler: Ancient Wisdom in Office Politics

Imagine Socrates in your office, his wisdom echoing through the halls. He’d say, "Know thyself," especially in the maze of office politics. Self-awareness is your compass.


The Wisdom of Rumi: 9 Poetic Insights on Love, Life, and Spirituality

Let me take you on a quick tour of the mystical world of Rumi, a 13th-century poet whose words transcend time, offering insights on love, life, and spirituality that still resonate deeply today.


Why Procrastination is a Source of Wisdom

“Procrastination happens when society has convinced you to desire something you don’t really want.” — Sahil Lavingia Hypothesis: Procrastination is a feature, not a bug 🧐


Plato's 10 Most Important Ideas

1. Theory of Forms: Plato believed that the material world is a mere shadow of a higher, eternal reality. He argued that there are eternal and unchanging Forms or Ideas that are more real than the physical objects we encounter in our daily lives.


10 most powerful quotes by brilliant scientists

"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life" -Immanual Kant (Philosopher)

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'Tuesdays with Morrie' Summary: 7 Key Insights & Lessons Worth Remembering

Tuesdays with Morrie is a 1997 memoir where Mitch Albom, a successful sportswriter, revisits his former professor Morrie Schwartz, now battling ALS, and learns life lessons that challenge everything he thought he knew.

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'To His Coy Mistress' by Andrew Marvell: A Guide to Understanding Its Timeless Wisdom

"To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell is a seductive and intellectually rich poem. Published posthumously in 1681, it’s a 17th-century Tinder message... but with a hint of existential angst and sophistication.

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Wit vs. Might: A guide to folklore tale The Alligator and the Jackal

"The Alligator and the Jackal" from Mary Frere's collection of Indian folktales is a story of wit and survival in a cunning showdown.


8 New Year's Resolutions to Stoke the Embers Within!

When the indulgence of the festive season comes to a close, and a sobering January sinks its tendrils in, people around the world will start making their resolution: joining gyms, quitting bad habits, and trying their best to implement positive changes.

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The life, death and legacy of Socrates in under six minutes

Cancel culture is nothing new. Back in Ancient Greece, one of history’s most influential philosophers found himself in trouble for asking too many questions.


Josiah Royce's Timeless Wisdom on Community & Loyalty is Apt for the Digital Age

Josiah Royce may not be a philosopher known in every household but his ideas on community and loyalty are more relevant today than ever in our hyper-connected world. Here's why...

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Key Lessons from 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' - A Quick Summary Guide

1. "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin Sharma is a tale of transformation. Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer, trades his luxurious life for spiritual wisdom in the Himalayas – mapping a journey from material wealth to inner richness.


What are the most important ideas of the Stoics?

The Stoics were an ancient Greek and Roman philosophical school founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. The following are some of the most important ideas of the Stoics:

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The meaning of REAL knowledge

Introduction. Science has given us a lot, but what has it taken away? Julius Evola, an Italian philosopher, wrote that there are "hierarchies in knowledge" and scientific knowledge is not at the top. Discover his insights on the difference between science and wisdom, and more! 👇

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The ancient wisdom of Heraclitus: A visionary philosopher

Heraclitus was way ahead of his time. He declared that energy is the essence of all matter... over 2,500 years before Einstein proved it to be true. His work (or what has survived of it) has influenced a range of important thinkers, from Plato and Montaig