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Personality 😺


Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw From The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This habit is taking time to sharpen the saw. It surrounds the other habits on the seven habits paradigm because it is the habit that makes all the others possible. It contains the four dimensions of renewal, it's about preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have - you.

People-pleasing: 8 Ways to Stop Being Excessively Agreeable

People-pleasing is the tendency to prioritize the needs and desires of others over one's own needs and desires, often at the expense of one's own well-being. It involves constantly seeking approval and validation from others and avoiding conflict or confrontation.

Science's Advancements in Predicting Your Life

In July of 2022, researchers Gal Lavi, Jonathan Rosenblatt and Michael Gilead published in the journal Scientific Reports on the viability of their new method of predicting human behavior.

Are you the deeply logical INTP personality type?

INTP is one of 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. INTP stands for introverted (in constant contact with the inner world), intuitive (abstract-thinking), thinking (technical/fact-focussed), and perceiving (more flexible lifestyle than controlled/organised).

Quiet with Terrance Lee

Terrance Lee, AKA "the introvert leader" wrote the book "Quiet Voice, Fearless Leader". He helps companies improve their workplace culture. He shared his expertise while discussing the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain on the Book Insights podcast. Here are some of his insights:

The Road Back to You with Jackie Brewster

Professional Certified Enneagram Coach Jackie Brewster shared her wisdom about the Enneagram and about the bestseller The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Susan Stabile on the Book Insights podcast. Here are some of her insights:

The dangers of rejecting your dark side

When we encounter something wicked, whether in society or ourselves, our first instinct is to reject and run away from it. Contrary to solving the problem, this only worsens it. Arthur Koestler makes this point in The Yogi And The Commissar with the help

The Brene Brown guide to self-acceptance

We’ve all experienced the pressure to conform: a powerful impulse that can cause us to compromise (or even sacrifice) our true self. The antidote to this is authenticity.


Are you a highly sensitive person? And what does that mean for you?

Growing up, Elaine Aron did everything to avoid overstimulation, whether it was from games and sports or other children. When she went to university, she often found herself crying in restrooms, worried she was “going crazy”.

Lead better, relate better with the four elements model

Ancient Greeks named four elements that make up everything in our world: • Earth • Water • Air • Fire


Discover your top strengths for work and life!

The bestseller Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath centers around the idea that there are 34 common talents as discovered through Gallup's 40 year study of human strengths. This culminated in the Clifton Strengthsfinder assessment which millions have taken for self discovery.

Are you secretly the visionary INTJ personality type?

INTJ is one of 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. INTJ stands for introverted (in constant contact with the inner world), intuitive (abstract-thinking), thinking technical/fact-focussed), and judging (more controlled/organised lifestyle than flexible). @

Weird signs you might be a sensitive INFP personality type

INFP is one of 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. INFP stands for introverted (in constant contact with the inner world), intuitive (abstract-thinking), feeling (ethics/values-focussed), and perceiving (more flexible lifestyle than controlled/organised).

The See-Saw Principle

Susan David, author of Emotional Agility, talks about finding the equilibrium between over-competence on the one hand and over-challenge on the other. She calls this — The See-Saw Principle.

The real reason we take drugs according to Tolstoy

Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy makes a case against drug use in Why Do Men Stupefy Themselves? He argues people consume substances and alter their consciousness not for pleasure, but a different reason. Find out more👇👇👇

Personality: What Jordan Peterson’s most cited paper tells us

Jordan Peterson has argued that knowledge loses its value when it becomes too broad or too narrow. His most cited paper – “Between Facets and Domains: 10 Aspects of the Big Five” (written with CG deYoung and LC Quilty) – attempts to solve this for persona


What's the story behind Myers Briggs personality typing, and how does it work?

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test for gauging personality type has been around since the 1940s. It laid the foundations of the psychometric testing methods used today in hiring, marriage counseling and personal development.

How to ask someone out in person

Choose the right moment: Timing is key when it comes to asking someone out in person. Make sure the moment is right and they are not preoccupied with something else.


Finding an Entry Level Job for Your Personality Type--No degree required

Look online and there're a million articles on how to find the perfect career for your personality type. ISTJ? Be a dentist. INFJ? A psychologist. But these careers take years of school. What if you don't have a degree? What if you're reentering the workforce after many years?

The prophetic, intuitive INFJ personality type

INFJ is one of 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. INFJ stands for introverted (in constant contact with the inner world), intuitive (abstract-thinking), feeling ethical/values-focussed), and judging (more controlled/organised lifestyle than flexible).

What is your Myer-Briggs personality type? A different take

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality typing system based on Carl Jung’s cognitive types that categorises people into 16 main types along four different axes – introversion/extraversion; sensing/intuiting; thinking/feeling; judging/perceiving.

The Hidden Power of Introverts: Susan Cain's Quiet

Modern society doesn't always value introvert characteristics. People today like outgoing, gregarious types. But introverts are a necessary yin to extroverts' yang who shouldn't be undervalued.

Why Tolstoy disliked Shakespeare

Tolstoy was a giant of 19th century literature. Shakespeare dominated the literary world of the 16th century, and his plays are enacted to this day. In this case, though, great minds don’t think alike. Find out why Tolstoy felt “repulsion and tedium” whil

Love-bombing: The simple motivations behind a dangerous pattern

We’ve all encountered someone who can’t help coming on a bit too strong. But is there something harmful, even manipulative about over-the-top displays of affection?


Are people basically alike? Or are they essentially different?

The Holy Grail for 20th-century psychologists such as Freud, Adler and Maslow was identifying the one motivation that drove all of us.