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Life Hacks ✂️



The Art of Tying Shoelaces

Welcome, seasoned shoe-wearer! Begin with two bunny ears—cross them gently. One hops through the hole, the other follows suit. Pull tight, not too snug, not too loose, just right, like porridge for Goldilocks.


10 Ways to Change the World

Establish systems of peaceful coexistence utilizing AI and communication technology advancements to begin shifting dynamics amongst leaders


Intermittent fasting may be the ultimate mind/body punch

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern. It can be a lifestyle, used as a nutritional tool or to simplify meal planning.

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Advice on being irresistible (from a French Nobleman)

Introduction. La Rochefoucauld was one of the most famous French noblemen of the 17th century. Rochefoucauld had an observant eye and a gift for aphorisms. Discover his surprisingly relevant insights on how to have good conversations, what is worse than betrayal, and more! 👇

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A unique perspective on life from a 20th century polymath

Piet Hein was a Danish polymath. He invented a variation of the Rubik's Cube called the Soma Cube, designed board games, and won architectural contests. He published aphorisms in local newspapers when Germany occupied Denmark in WWII. Read some of his intriguing aphorisms 👇

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Are you a Gun or are you a Tree? TWO approaches to anything in life

Everyone wants money, attention from the opposite sex, and power. These desires are so innate they might as well be needs. There are countless ways of getting what one wants - but all these ways fall in one of two broad approaches. Find out more👇

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Joe Rogan's Favorite Book: The Book of Five Rings (1645)

Discover an old but brilliant book today: The Book of Five Rings(1645) by Miyamoto Musashi. Joe Rogan calls it "one of the most valuable things anyone has ever written." Read on to find out the mistakes fighters make, techniques to make your opponents sho


Vital tips for surviving in the wilderness

Dave Canterbury is a survival expert who has been seen on the Discovery channel and National Geographic. He spent years learning to live in the wilderness and condensed his knowledge into the Five C’s of Survivability.


5 Shocking Insights From The World's Longest Study On Happiness.

Harvard researchers began a decades-long study in 1938 to discover what makes us happy in life. It has tracked the same individuals for 85 years collected health records of 724 families throughout the world and asked extensive questions about their lives every two years.


Nietzsche on when and how to burn bridges with the past

The past offers many great models worth mimicking, yes, and many institutions worth conserving - but also much that is obsolete, broken, unsuited to now. In this Memo, discover Nietzsche's ideas on how the past paralyses us and how we should struggle against its inertia 👇

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Top 10 Most Popular Episodes of The Minimalists Podcast

10) Ep. 204 Starting Minimalism (with MJ Gordon) | Oct 29, 2019 | 65k views | How to start simplifying, become a minimalist, and some practical tips and rules for decluttering with blogger and YouTuber MJ Gordon. Questions like: How do I motivate myself to minimize?


8 steps to budget-friendly travel

Have disappearing COVID-19 restrictions around the world reignited your desire to travel? Are you looking for ways to travel on a low budget? Read on for simple, tried-and-true methods for seeing the world while saving your cash. @

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Top 10 Life Tips - Crowdsourced from Millions of Redditers

Family Treasure1) Get a blank book2) Ask each family member over 50 to write down life advice that their descendants in 500 yrs should know3) Keep passing it downYou now have a family treasure that gets more useful over time.

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So you've given up drinking. What now?

Drinking alcohol is one of life’s great pleasures... but if you drink like I used to, it can also ruin your life. Stopping can be tricky, especially if your cultural milieu is booze-based. Here are some tips on avoiding the tipples, from my personal experience.


How to be more productive working from home

Don’t feel guilty about working in your pajamas. When you feel comfortable, you’re more likely to be relaxed. Being relaxed (not stressed) is key to being productive.


What are some simple techniques to learn a new language faster?

If you want a “hack” to speak a new language, the best solution is immersing yourself in conversation with a native speaker. It will be difficult, even embarrassing at times, but one hour of conversation (with corrections) = five hours in a classroom (or


Life lessons from the wealthiest man's favorite video game

Elon Musk is an obsessive workaholic. But he once missed a Tesla meeting for a surprising reason: Polytopia. A civilization strategy game he EXCELS at (He once beat the creator) And it's not just a silly past-time. Elon has drawn SEVEN life lessons from it:


Ten Authors Who Lived Like Action Heroes

The Nerd-Jock Dichotomy Is False. Ten men who were both: Jünger fought WWI at 19, saw intense action at the frontlines, led his unit to impossible victories, was wounded 7 times, survived headshots, read Nietzsche in his spare time, and self-published the classic Storm Of Steel.

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How To: Never run out of money again

50/30/20, Cash Only, YNAB--there are tons of budgeting methods out there. But financial advisor Kumiko Love wasn't thrilled with any of them. So she made her own. Previously The Budget Mom (shifting to 'TBM' since this budget works for everyone) Kumiko's system combines methods.


12 Rules for Life with Joe Barnes

Joe Barnes is an author, coach and hypnotherapist who runs a success club in London. He appeared on the Book Insights podcast to discuss 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. Here are some of his insights: @

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The character-building truths I wish I knew when I was 21

Your 20s are a weird phase in your life. Dreams get bigger than your heart can handle, filling you with a mad rush to accomplish your goals immediately. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, here are nine lessons that would have greatly helped me if I'd known them when I was 21.

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The paradox of selfishness

People assume serving yourself comes at the cost of serving others, but I think the latter is impossible without the former. Here's how selfishness can help you serve others - and the world - better👇


Hit 'reset' on your life: Learn to live as a minimalist

Most of us are so busy being busy that we don’t notice how much of our life is focused on accumulation: of possessions, of status, of debt.