Emotions 😢

Liberals vs. Conservatives on The Value of Emotions
As the political divide has grown wider in recent years, Psychological Science researchers from the University of California, Irvine set out to determine why. They theorized that perhaps Democrats and Republicans' core difference lies in the way they view emotions.

9 Phrases to Show Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been proven to lead to higher wages, better relationships and even better academic performances. But even if you have been trying to learn EQ, you may not know how to show what you've learned, or put it into practice. Here are 9 phrases to do so:

John Gottman’s emotion coaching for children
Dr. John Gottman, famous relationship researcher, studied parenting styles for decades. His process of “emotion coaching” helps develop the child’s nervous system properly, helping them connect with parents and build emotional awareness, confidence, and resilience over time.

Why you should seek something to get "sentimental" about
Introduction. Why do people not like it when you try to logically understand them? What is the mark of a great book? What's missing from our modern lives? Henry Tuckerman, a 19th century writer, answers these questions in his classic essay A Defense Of Enthusiasm. Top insights 👇 @

The Classical Dance of India: Bharatnatyam
Dance is the expression and communication of emotions. If you love to dance, India is the place to be. Distinct styles of dance have evolved in the different regions of India, each with its own specific nuances. The country is home to some of the world's oldest dance forms.

How to cope with negative emotions?
There are seven basic emotions: joy,anger, sadness, fear, surprise, contempt, and disgust. If five of these emotions are troubling, and yet helpful enough to make the cut of natural selection, doesn’t that mean that even the dark and difficult feelings have a purpose?

7 Emotional Mistakes Even Intelligent Individuals Make
One often overlooked aspect of emotional well-being is the prevalence of emotional mistakes, even among highly intelligent individuals. These mistakes can have far-reaching consequences, such as cycles of low mood, anxiety, procrastination, and strained relationships.

10 Ways to Increase Your Happiness in 10 Minutes
Need a quick mood boost? Who doesn't! Here are 10 quick tips to feel happier in minutes: Gratitude practice: Write down three things you're grateful for. It can be as simple as your morning coffee or a good night's sleep. Focusing on the positives can do wonders for your mood!

What is "Walk Away Wife Syndrome"?
Author and journalist Christine Wicker noticed a surprising trend: 66% of divorces are requested by wives. To try and understand why this was the case, Wicker researched the history, statistics and consulted with experts. Here are some of her key findings:

Two things more important than being smart
Henry Tuckerman, a 19th century American critic, wrote a classic essay A Defense Of Enthusiasm. He takes on many interesting questions: Who's superior - the intellectual man or the man who feels deeply? What was the source of Shakespeare's genius? Discover these answers & more!👇

How planning too much hurts the project (+ 8 other insights)
Introduction. Joseph Joubert, an 18th century Frenchman, published nothing during his life. His widow released his notebooks after his death as Pensées (Thoughts). The world finally recognized his aphoristic genius. Some selected insights on life, unfinished thoughts, and more👇