Wealth 🎩

Cracking the Code of Wealth: Wealth Creation Secrets by Naval Ravikant
Naval Ravikant is one of the great thinkers of our time. He is an entrepreneur and an investor who has invested in more than 200 companies including Uber, Notion, and Twitter. He talks about happiness, health, and life's philosophies.

How to Get Rich—Advice from Millionaires
2 years ago, YouTuber Brandon Williams spoke to 30 millionaires about what it takes to get rich. Though my bank balance is a few decimals less than these entrepreneurs, I've now started my own journey towards success and enrichment, and their advice resonates with me.

How people make (great) money on the internet with literature quotes
Intro. We underline quotes, forward them to friends, and make them our mobile wallpapers. Ward Farnsworth, dean of a Texas University, says people have an "appetite for well-expressed wisdom, motivational or otherwise." Savvy entrepreneurs have learnt to monetize this appetite👇

What nobody tells you about being rich
Real wealth is invisible. You can see what people spend money on (homes, cars, luxury items) but you can’t see what’s in their bank account. That makes it hard to separate reality from appearance. All you know about someone with a $100,000 car is that they have $100,000 less.

Is there a millionaire mindset?
The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas Stanley’s runaway bestseller, revealed to the world a surprising picture of America’s millionaires. Instead of the flashy stereotype of big houses and yachts, they were like you and me but just had more money.

The Millionaire Fastlane: Understand it in 5 mins
Serious wealth is rarely the result of a gradual, linear process like working a steady job or putting money aside. There is a way to do it quickly – as made famous in The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco – and I'm going to share it with you now...

The Automatic Millionaire: David Bach's simple formula to get rich
The only way to get rich easily is to pay yourself first, automatically putting aside at least 10% of your income into savings, a pension plan or investments. It’s not sexy, but saving is the foundation of all wealth. Most people who don’t do this will lose over $1m long-term.

A Financial Planner Interviewed 233 Millionaires - Here are 6 Habits That Made Them Ultra Wealthy
Tom Corley, an internationally recognized authority on habits and wealth creation. In Tom’s five-year study of the rich and poor he identified over 300 daily habits that separated the “haves” from the “have nots.”

Who is Mr. Beast? Timeline from College Dropout to Millionaire Youtuber
2012: Jimmy Donaldson, a 13-year-old from Greenville, North Carolina, uploaded his first Youtube video under the name "MrBeast6000". He tried mastering the Youtube algorithm by experimenting with gaming videos on Minecraft and Call of Duty and making videos about other Youtubers.

8 Side-Hustles to Help You Build Wealth
Today, there are countless ways to earn some extra cash or generate passive revenue. Now side hustles are more popular than ever, and according to a poll commissioned by Zapier, one in three Americans has a side hustle. Here are 8 that could add 10% to 30% to your income.

Can a journal make you prosperous? This CEO says yes...
People who write down their goals achieve them at a higher success rate than those who don’t.

Why are some countries so wealthy, and others so poor?
The world has never been a level playing field.

The Go-Giver theory: Why generosity is the secret to success
The more you give in life, the more you receive. It’s a simple principle anyone can live by. But it's an especially under-utilized approach in the business world. Authors Bob Burg and John D. Mann developed this concept into five laws of “stratospheric success.”

The Political Importance of Gladiators in Ancient Rome
Before beginning, it is worth noting that this is a brief writing of ancient Rome, generalizing the history which spans from ~750 BC to ~500 AD. It is also worth noting that Rome was heavily divided between the: A) lower class (Plebians), and: B) upper class (Patricians).

8 Investment Tips to Help You Build Wealth
Many years ago, I didn't know diddly-squat about investment, associating it with venture capitalists and the 1%. Now I know better. Given rising inflation, low-interest rates and limited growth potential, I now realize that keeping the bulk of my money in a bank is a bad idea.

Blessing or Curse? The Common Fate of Lottery Winners
"What would you do if you won the lottery?" It's a question people ask each other around the world, before eagerly mapping out the plan for their fantasy wealth. However, considering the fate of many past winners, reality is indeed stranger (and more depressing) than fiction.

How The Viral YNAB Budgeting Method Works
You Need A Budget (YNAB) is one of the most downloaded budgeting apps. It began in 2010, and now has huge communities on Reddit, YouTube, Facebook and more. It is based around the "cash envelope" budgeting system where all income is instantly divided between digital "envelopes." @

Why do nations fail? One reason stands out...
The city of Nogales straddles the US-Mexican border. The fence that runs down the middle of it demarcates two different countries – and two starkly different levels of economic development.

Is there a psychology of the super rich?
German entrepreneur and author Dr Rainer Zitelmann was well aware of the popular literature on “how to become a millionaire” (e.g. The Millionaire Next Door). But he noticed there were very few scholarly studies on how the very rich think and act.

What’s the big difference between the middle class and the elite?
It starts when we’re at school, where we get little or no education on money matters. The result: millions of financially illiterate people who are at the mercy of others who are financially intelligent.