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Ignite Your Sales: 10 Unstoppable Strategies for Growth

**Drive Urgency, Not Boredom:** Stir emotions by creating a sense of limited availability rather than bombarding customers with endless options.


How To Prepare For A Prospect Call and CLOSE!

Define the intent before you even get on the call. What is the point of the meeting? Do you need to collect information? Do you have something pressing to cover? Don’t be afraid to share some strategies to help the client better understand what you’re going to be doing for them

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5 Reasons How UX Design Can Bring Value to Startups.

Startups are known for three things -- ideas and innovation, passion for taking risks, and the 'can do' spirit. Startups move through various stages like ideation, prototyping, MVP, product-market fit research, and more.

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7 Isaac Mashman Quotes on Personal Branding and PR

Your personal brand is YOU! It is who you are. What people know you as. What you specialize in. Establishing your personal brand leads to increased credibility, higher numbers, and an endless list of other benefits. — Isaac Mashman


10 Steps for a Successful Online Business

Clarify Who You Help: Determine your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICE). This should be a fictional person who represents the demographics of the majority of your target market. Maybe it's a 40 year old female accountant. Name her (maybe Elaine!) and aim everything you do towards her.


The 10 most effective digital marketing strategies to follow post-Covid-19.

Web Design/ UX/UI Design: A website has an influence on the user and is your initial marketing platform. An attractive, easy-to-use, readable, clean experience will benefit the organizations to establish trust and retain the audience.


What To Know Before Publishing Your First Book

In November of 2021 I officially launched my first book “Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence” — as I’m working on writing a second edition version which is coming out next November, now would be a good time to share what I learned and wish I knew when I started.


Ansoff’s Matrix : Overcoming Paralysis by Analysis

If you’ve ever been overwhelmed by choice, stumped by a necessary business decision, or so unsure of which way to move forward you’ve put the whole project on the proverbial backburner, you’ve likely been struck by paralysis by analysis.   

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20 years of sales expertise in under 2 minutes...

My favorite words of advice on sales tactics appeared out of nowhere. On a Hacker News thread about personal branding, someone asked: “Is there a sales 101 for nerds?” The top answer went viral – and for good reason…