
How to buy a new car without getting ripped off
The first step to getting a good deal on a car is to give yourself enough time to find one. If you have a time constraint, you’re giving car dealerships an advantage – and they will know how to make the most out of it.

If You’re Terrified Of Asking For A Pay Raise, Read This
My first client paid me $X. After I negotiated my price, the same client paid $XXX. Here are 6 negotiation tips that I use to earn more from the same client (without adding extra gigs) 🧵👇

How to win every negotiation
Negotiating is a skill you can’t afford to be without. Whether you’re buying furniture or accepting a job offer, knowing the right things to say could save you a fortune. Here are some killer insights I picked up from reading Roger Dawson’s Secrets of Pow