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'Kadambari' in summary: The Significance & Meaning of India's First Novel

"Kadambari", a Sanskrit classic, is co-authored by Banabhatta and his son Bhushanabhatta in the 7th century. It's a unique collaboration across generations, merging two literary styles into one epic tale.

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Would you rather be great or happy?

The Choice Of Hercules is a 2,500 year old myth about the timeless conflict between pleasure and glory. This parable was so loved by one US President that it almost became the national emblem. This story is also behind a popular internet meme. Read on 👇


Campbell wants you to be a hero

Joseph Campbell was a student of stories that never die: myths, fables, and religious allegories. George Lucas closely followed Campbell's hero's journey structure when writing Star Wars. Here are 9 profound ideas from Campbell on following your bliss, the goal of life, and more:

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Wit vs. Might: A guide to folklore tale The Alligator and the Jackal

"The Alligator and the Jackal" from Mary Frere's collection of Indian folktales is a story of wit and survival in a cunning showdown.