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Management 👨‍💼


Unraveling Stress Responses: Fight, Flight, or Freeze?

When your boss emails "We need to talk," your palms sweat. That's your body shouting "Danger," flipping its ancient alarm system.


The Art of "Managing Up" at Work: All You Need to Know

"Managing up" isn't about flattery or gaming the system; it's strategic career diplomacy that benefits you and your boss alike.


The Best (and Easiest) Ways to Fire Someone in 2024

Believe it or not: firing is a tool, not a punishment. This idea is essential to your toolkit as an employer. Master its use by understanding the work, providing clear direction, and offering any necessary support. (This will take time.)

9 Leadership Lessons from 9 Years Working at Tesla

After 9 years of working for Tesla, Jorge Milburn (currently its Director Sales & Delivery Operations for the EMEA region) reflected on the priceless pearls of wisdom he's harvested. Brace for insights worth cherishing... 👇 🧵

Revolutionise your organisations approach to teamwork

"Team Genius: The New Science of High-Performing Organizations"by Rich Karlgaard and Michael S. Malone is a comprehensive guide that delves into the dynamics of successful teams and how they contribute to the overall success of an organisation. Here are my six key takeaways:

Just Listen: Getting Through to Anyone by Mark Goulston

In his acclaimed book "Just Listen: Getting Through to Anyone," psychiatrist and executive coach Mark Goulston shares invaluable techniques to become a better communicator.

There is a correct way to wash dishes

There is a correct way to wash the dishes Handwashing dishes is a lost skill with the proliferation of dishwashers in our daily lives. Many rely on the "good enough" method of throwing everything in the sink and washing each dish in whatever order. This is inarguably wrong.

How To Make Big Life Decisions Using The 6 Hat Thinking Method?

When it comes to major life decisions, most of us are clueless and indecisive. Most people have no idea what to do and which way to go. And, in the absence of a proper method, our mind takes the easy way out and we make important life decisions without much thought.


The most extraordinary logistical expedition in war

1568: You're the King of Spain and the Dutch provinces revolt. But how can you send your army to the Netherlands through pirates and hostile states? Enters the Camino Español, one of the most impressive logistical and diplomatic feats in military history.

You Can Hire an Expert to Change Your School Grades

If you are looking for a fast & affordable means to change your grades then you need to hire the best professional for this purpose by sending an email to [SCEPTER007 @ WORKMAIL . COM] He has good reviews all over the internet and can give you that desired CGPA & overall results.

The Machiavellian Guide to Surviving Office Politics

The dark prince of office politics? Yes, we're talking about Machiavelli, the 16th-century Italian diplomat whose cunning ways can surprisingly help you navigate today's corporate labyrinth. Let's unpack some lessons from history's most notorious political mastermind... 👇

How to Give Feedback that Actually Works: A Rapid Guide

In the art of feedback, the goal isn't to change people but to inspire growth. It's a journey, not a critique session. Ready to have your mind changed about how it's done?

The Human Side of Business Metrics: Surprising Ways Emotions Impact Performance

Metrics aren't just numbers; they're stories about people. Behind every data point is a late night, a brainstorm, or a moment of inspiration. Understanding this hidden layer is key to decoding performance..


Cultivating Patience in the Face of Anger: Insights from Shantideva Suzy Bliss

Anger can become a harmful pattern, causing us to perceive negativity and react aggressively even in neutral situations. Though anger serves to warn of threats, motivate actions, and defend boundaries, chronic anger raises stress, narrows thinking, damages relationships, and lead

Brene Brown Warns of 5 Traits of Toxic Work Culture

In 2021, many employees quit their jobs en masse creating an economic trend known as "The Great Resignation". The most reliable predictor of employee resignation was toxic work culture. Brene Brown describes 5 attributes of toxic work culture:


The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

The 80/20 Principle, also known as the Pareto Principle, is a law of nature that states that 80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. It was named after the economist Vilfredo Pareto, who first observed this phenomenon in the distribution of wealth in Italy in late 1900s.

Futureproof Yourself With These 7 Crucial Skills

When you look at where you are and where you wanna navigate to ... there definitely are skills that can bridge the gap  These skills are not something fancy - they can be some very simple ones that can be a game changer for you 💪 Sharing a few here for you to ponder upon 👇

Product Management's Sacred Seven summary: All you need to know in 2024

"Product Management's Sacred Seven" is a treasure map, guiding aspiring PMs through the treacherous waters of interviews and the challenges of being a world-class product leader.

Office Politics: The Hidden Hierarchies That Govern Your Workplace

Think about your workspace as a mini civilization. Office politics isn’t an option, it’s a survival strategy. It’s more Game of Thrones than board game, and you’re a player, whether you signed up or not.


The 5 Biggest Mistakes a Manager Can Make...

Ever felt like your job's a puzzle where the pieces don't fit? Let's dive into the top management mistakes that turn a dream job into a daily grind...

The Definition of Courage, According to Field Marshal William Slim

Field Marshal William Slim was a prominent British military leader who played a crucial role in World War II. His leadership philosophy remains influential in management to this day; his quotes about courage are often repeated around the world. And here’s why…

How to send bulk SMS using Bulk SMS Software?

How to download and uses of bulk SMS mobile marketing application? Bulk SMS mobile marketing software: Bulk Text Messaging Software provides facility to send single or multiple text messages to thousands of contacts altogether.


10 Methods Where 'Agility' Can Help You 🚀 In Your Career

The professional landscape is dynamic and has fast tracked the ability to adapt and embrace change. Indeed, it has become a key ingredient for success. Employers are increasingly valuing agility with tech advancements, evolving market demands, and changing scenarios

The One Minute Manager - Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

The One Minute Manager is a management book presented in the form of a parable, with a young man seeking to learn the secrets of effective management from a wise old manager. Here are some key points from the book:

Failing Forward: Why Failure Can Propel Corporate Success and Boost Creativity

Talk with any author, performer, inventor, or entrepreneur and they will teach you one critical lesson—behind every success is a litany of failures.  The key is to allow your failures to move you forward. In education and psychology we call this a growth mindset.