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Health 👩‍⚕


A Guide to Pain Relievers: How They Block Signals

Pain relievers, like ibuprofen and paracetamol, work by blocking specific chemical messengers called prostaglandins. These messengers sensitize nerve endings, amplifying pain signals sent to the brain.


Optimal Health Through Nutritional Intelligence

Nutritional wisdom starts with a question: "What does my body need?" It's a personal quest to decode unique physiological needs.

Optimal Health Through Nutritional Intelligence

Nutritional wisdom starts with a question: "What does my body need?" It's a personal quest to decode unique physiological needs.


Gut Health's Impact on Mental Well-Being: Surprising Connections Between Digestion & Emotions

Ever felt "butterflies" in your stomach? That's your gut-brain connection at work. This two-way communication superhighway is a hot topic in neuroscience.

Blood: History’s Superfood

The ancient Spartans ate it widely, as do many cultures today, from the Scots and Irish to the Maasai warriors of Africa. But most people won’t touch it. Blood as a food has played an important cultural role throughout history, and has great health benefits. Let’s talk about it.

Red Wine: The Key to a Long Life?

When you travel to places like France and Italy, you find that the streets are full of very elderly locals sitting outside cafés and bars, slowly drinking a glass or two of wine. You might wonder why they’re doing such an unhealthy habit in their old age.

Study Reveals the Top 10 Work Stressors That Are Most Detrimental To Your Health

Professors from Stanford and Harvard Business School reported on the impact of workplace stress on health and healthcare costs. They found the top 10 stressors from work which most frequently contribute to at least 120,000 deaths per year. They are:

Top 6 benefits and some recipes

What is beetroot? Everybody is aware of the benefits of beetroot. It is a root vegetable known as red beet or garden beet etc. Here are top 6 advantages of beetroot

Dermatologists Say: Don't Waste Your Money on These Products

Dermatologists Dr. Muneeb Shah and Dr. Luke Maxfield go by the name "Doctorly" on Youtube and they share valuable advice about skincare. Here are skin care products they say are a waste of money and what to buy instead.


Elevate Your Routine for a Vibrant Life

Integrating exercise isn't a luxury, it's a cornerstone of wellness, yet undiscovered by many in their daily grind.


Optimal Health Through Nutritional Intelligence

Nutritional wisdom starts with a question: "What does my body need?" It's a personal quest to decode unique physiological needs.


10 Facts about Cancer you might not know. A quick guide to educate yourself about cancer.

1: Cancer has been documented since ancient times, with evidence found in Egyptian and Greek medical texts dating back to 3000 BCE.

"Wholesome Being: A Journey of Healing"

Supporting Mary's Grief: Sarah, a devoted caregiver, extends her support to her close friend Mary, who is grappling with the profound loss of her husband.

The Surprising Health Benefits of Guinness

Here in Ireland, it’s very well known that we drink a lot of Guinness. Ireland also has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, higher than the US, UK, Greece, Germany, and many others. These two things may be connected! Guinness has a wide range of health benefits.


The Disturbing Results of Smartphone Use

Ever since smartphones were introduced to the world, the negative effects of using them have been made more and more widely known. It's been proven that Smartphone use can have negative effects on cognitive performance, like attention and memory.


Reset your gut this weekend

"Listen to your gut" "Trust your gut." "Follow your gut." These may be the soundest pieces of advice for humans. They can apply to relationships, work, personal safety, any decision, big or small, and HEALTH.

8 Scientifically Proven Alternatives to Pharmaceuticals for Anxiety

Dealing with anxiety is no walk in the park. While pharmaceuticals are commonly prescribed, some individuals prefer natural alternatives. Here, we'll explore eight scientifically proven alternatives to pharmaceuticals that can help alleviate anxiety.

Optimal Health Through Nutritional Intelligence

Nutritional wisdom starts with a question: "What does my body need?" It's a personal quest to decode unique physiological needs.

Optimal Health Through Nutritional Intelligence

Nutritional wisdom starts with a question: "What does my body need?" It's a personal quest to decode unique physiological needs.


Nutrition Myths Debunked : Separating Fact from Fiction in Healthy Eating

Nutrition myths are like junk food for the brain: tempting to swallow but not so good for you. Let's chew on some facts instead...

263 of the world’s longest-living people and their 9 'non-negotiables' for a long, happy life.

Dan Buettner the New York Times Bestselling Author of five books on longevity & happiness. He traveled across the world to study the areas in which people live exceptionally long lives: Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece & Loma Linda, California.


Association between internet use and physical exercise

The increasing aging trend is gradually becoming an important issue for most countries in the 21st century. According to data released by the United Nations, the aging trend will continue to deepen globally, with the proportion of the global population aged 65 and above due to ri


Top 5 benefits of Holy Basil

Holy basil is an Ayurvedic medicine used for many centuries. It has many health benefits. It is a blessing for the body, mind, and spirit. Some of the health advantages of Holy Basil are:


5 Habits To Naturally Raise Dopamine To Boost Your Productivity And Enhance Creativity.

What is Dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter made in your brain. It plays a role as a “reward center” and in many body functions, including memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention, and more. It is also known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter.

Giloy; its benefits, dosage, duration, and Side effects

What is Giloy? Giloy is an Ayurvedic herb. It is one of the best medicine. It is also known as Tinospora cordifolia. It has medicinal properties, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-toxic properties.