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Habits ⏰


Adopt Sustainable Habits: A Daily Dose of Difference

By embracing a reusable water bottle, you not only quench your thirst but also quench the planet's need for fewer plastic bottles.


A Financial Planner Interviewed 233 Millionaires - Here are 6 Habits That Made Them Ultra Wealthy

Tom Corley, an internationally recognized authority on habits and wealth creation. In Tom’s five-year study of the rich and poor he identified over 300 daily habits that separated the “haves” from the “have nots.”

Habit 3: Put First Things First From The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1 taught us to be proactive, to be in charge of the situation, and to create our own paradigms, Habit 2 helped us to translate those paradigms into principle-centered mission statements through visualization. Habit 3 is the physical creation and fulfillment of Habits 1 & 2.


How To Fight Distractions Even If You Are Addicted To Your Smartphone

Shocking Facts: On average, children 8–18 spend 7.5 hours a day in front of screens for entertainment alone which amounts to 114 days a year. In young adults, phone usage is up by 60–80% more than pre-pandemic levels. 47% of Americans admit they’re addicted to their phones.


4-Step Method By James Clear To Break Bad Habits And Build Good Ones

Our personal and professional lives depend heavily on our habits. A solid set of practices can help us stand out from the crowd and advance in our jobs, health, and interpersonal relationships. In contrast, terrible habits might wreck our lives totally.

Why you should buy more books

One of the greatest pleasures in life is buying books you are not planning on reading yet—or perhaps ever. Why?

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People with Kevin Pamieri

Entrepreneur, CFO, success coach and host of the Next Level University podcas, Kevin Palmieri, appeared on the Book Insights podcast to discuss The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. Here are some of his insights:


How does exercise change your body and brain?

I noticed one common thing among people who exercise regularly at my nearest park. They are energetic, excited, and look younger. I observed more striking differences in my dad's attitude on his business issues with and without regular exercise.

This is the most effective way to start your day...

The biggest influence on your day is the mindset you take to bed the night before. The thoughts you fall asleep with are likely to carry over into morning, so make sure your intentions are positive. This will set the tone for the day ahead.

Enjoy Food & Still Lose Weight: The Best Tips from Adam Bornstein's "You Can't Screw This Up"

"You Can't Screw This Up" by Adam Bornstein is a refreshing take on dieting that ditches the guilt and embraces the joy of eating, proving that weight loss doesn't have to be a miserable journey.

5 Eye-Opening Japanese Techniques To Overcome Laziness ...

The majority of us struggle with procrastination on a regular basis. In the case of unimportant tasks, procrastination isn't a bad thing. The problem arises when you procrastinate on tasks significant to your professional and personal development.

Habit 2: Begin With An End In Mind From 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in physical form. If you do not invest the time in visualizing what you really want and where you want to go, you’ll be dependent on others to define your directions for you.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

Here's a summary of one of the most popular personal development books ever. It provides a framework for personal and interpersonal effectiveness, emphasizing principles such as personal responsibility, goal-setting, time management, communication, and collaboration.


5 Time Management Mistakes Are Ruining Your Productivity & How to Avoid Them.

We are all aware of the time management habits that we must develop in order to be productive. But it's mostly our bad habits that prevent us from succeeding in life. They act like excess baggage on our backs, holding us back and putting a limit on our lives and productivity.

How to make reading for pleasure a daily ritual

Building new habits isn’t easy, even when it’s something you want to do. How do you prioritize getting lost in a good story when there’s always other things nagging on our mental to-do lists?


What are keystone habits?

Charles Duhigg in his book, The Power of Habit explains that keystone habits are the ones that have the power to start a chain reaction changing other habits.

How to protect yourself from ‘doomscrolling’

You know those moments when it seems like the world is on fire and you can’t look away from your phone? That’s doomscrolling – a habit spreading so fast that it’s having serious implications for mental health everywhere…

From Da Vinci to Musk: The Timeless Traits of Polymaths and Their Impact on Society

Polymaths like Da Vinci and Musk don't just think outside the box; they reinvent it. Their secret? A cocktail of curiosity, learning, and daring to dream. Let’s decode the genius recipe.


Habit 4: Think Win/Win From The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 4 is all about creating win/win situations. It is not a technique, it's a total philosophy of human interaction. It's a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all of our interactions. It is based on the paradigm that there is plenty for everybody.


5 Micro Habits To Supercharge Your Life, Productivity, And Creativity

The choices we make in our daily lives dictate our future in the long run. We can’t rely on willpower alone to get us through procrastination. To achieve great things in life, we must establish systems and habits that support our journey toward meaningful goals.


8 Reasons that Developing Good Habits is Important

Habits are important because they allow us to automate many of the routine tasks and decisions we face on a daily basis, freeing up mental energy and willpower for more complex and challenging tasks. Here are some other reasons why habits are important:

How to ditch the doomscroll

2023: the year I want to be more intentional with how I use my phone. I’m often losing track of time in a mindless doomscroll that leaves me feeling scattered instead of connected. I’d like to be more present, curious, and vaguely organized this year. Here’s how I plan to do it!

The toxic effects of perfectionism

Perfectionism means striving for flawlessness. It is having unrealistic expectations, followed by negative feelings when those expectations aren’t met.

Setting strong roots to succeed at technical writing

I recently took part in a Hashnode Bootcamp on technical writing, which inspired me to think about what actually makes developers good at writing💡

The Power of Habit with Daniel Karim

Author, influencer, and habit coach Daniel Karim was a guest on the Book Insights podcast to discuss The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. He shares how he uses Duhigg's techniques and others to help people change their habits for the better. Here are some of his insights: