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Food 🌶



Food across cultures

Diverse ingredients and spices are at the heart of culinary traditions worldwide. For instance, the Middle Eastern cuisine is renowned for its use of saffron and cardamom, while Southeast Asian dishes often feature lemongrass and galangal.


Anne's Pies: A Slice Above the Rest

In the world of pastries, Anne's pies rise like the dough in her famous apple pie – with heartwarming charm and a sprinkle of nostalgia.


Salad: An Ugly Truth

I don't understand the appeal of salad. Never have, and probably never will. With regards to both taste and practical benefit, salad is a head-scratcher. But let’s start with the latter.

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Beginner Vegetarian Cooking: White Wine and Mushroom Risotto

Risotto is an Italian dish made by cooking Arborio rice in a flavorful broth. This version is made with vegetable broth and white wine, and is full of nutritious mushrooms.


Your Food Is Likely Being Zapped With Radiation

Did you know that around a third of all spices sold in the US have been purposefully irradiated? Crazy, I know. It even sounds obviously dangerous. But what is it really, and is it actually as bad for you as it sounds?

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The Most Underrated, Inexpensive Cities in North America Ranked

With the baseline Disney package for a family of 4 coming in at $6,000, traveling with family feels like a lost cause. It's not. While premier destinations like New York or Disney will always come with a steep price tag, there are many other destinations you can enjoy for less.


A Brief History Of Dairy & Lactose Intolerance In China

92% of the adult population in China are lactose intolerant. China is also the second largest consumer of dairy products in the world. How did these two seemingly irreconcilable facts become true? It’s a very interesting story based on science, taste, history, and health.


Beef: Different Cuts And How To Use Them

There are so many different cuts of beef that it can be confusing knowing which to use in which scenario. What comes from where? What should be seared quickly in a pan? What should be slow cooked? In this memo, I’ll try and help you!


Eggs: A Rundown On What To Eat And How

Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins, & minerals, as we all hopefully know. However, the nutritional content of eggs varies a lot depending on what type of egg you use, the cooking method, & what the animals are fed. Here’s a quick rundown to help you learn more.


Tokyo’s Palette: A Gustatory Adventure

Tokyo, a city where every street corner is a brushstroke of flavor, ready to paint your palette with the unexpected. Let’s dive into its vibrant cuisine beyond sushi and ramen.


Blood: History’s Superfood

The ancient Spartans ate it widely, as do many cultures today, from the Scots and Irish to the Maasai warriors of Africa. But most people won’t touch it. Blood as a food has played an important cultural role throughout history, and has great health benefits. Let’s talk about it.


Four bakery-level baked goods you could be making at home

For those with baking anxiety, know it's easier than expected to make baked goods with surprisingly little effort. I was a bread-baking novice (borderline phobic) until the past couple of months and now, with the help of Instagram and TikTok reels, I'm a bonafide home baker.


Not Just Weight Loss—Keto Diet Can Treat Psychiatric Disorders

The ketogenic diet (often referred to as "keto") is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that has become hugely popular as a means to lose weight. However, a growing body of research is showing it may be efficacious for treating a variety of psychiatric disorders.


Why You Need To Be Buying Raw Honey

Raw honey is one widely accessible and delicious foodstuff that not enough people are making use of. It has many health benefits, including being a natural energy booster, a natural remedy for allergies, and a natural wound healing agent. Let’s break down some of these benefits.


Tea: Some Very British Health Benefits

Growing up in Britain and Ireland, I drank an extraordinary amount of tea from a young age. It’s only recently, however, that I started looking into the health benefits of tea, and was pleasantly surprised by how good it can be for the body.


Dark Chocolate: The Healthiest Snack Imaginable

Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants. These compounds can help protect your body against the damaging effects of free radicals, which can contribute to the development of chronic diseases. It can even have more antioxidants than fruits like blueberries!


Raw Milk: Should You Drink It?

Raw milk is something that people talk about a lot nowadays on health and food circles. But few outside these spaces know much about it. How is it different from pasteurised milk, and is it really better for you? In this memo I’ll explain!


Savoring Paros: A Bite-Size Culinary Quest

Close your eyes and imagine the Aegean breeze. With each breath, you’re about to embark on Paros' culinary voyage, where every morsel tells a story.


Red Wine: The Key to a Long Life?

When you travel to places like France and Italy, you find that the streets are full of very elderly locals sitting outside cafés and bars, slowly drinking a glass or two of wine. You might wonder why they’re doing such an unhealthy habit in their old age.


Easy 3 Ingredient Recipe for the Perfect Pancake

Pancake Tuesday is finally taking off in the USA. Who doesn’t want an entire day dedicated to the soft, fluffy dessert classics? What began as a religious attempt to use up foodstuffs before the fast of Lent became a regular celebration in many households, regardless of creed.

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Putting the Gefilte Back in Gefilte Fish

Walking down the 'international' foods aisle at the grocery store, you'll come upon the Jewish section sandwiched between Indian and Chinese. While kosher foods abound throughout, this section is for the particular, iconic dishes Jewish shoppers might need.


Nitrates & Nitrites in Food: Bad or Not?

Nitrates and nitrites are compounds that occur naturally in the human body and some foods, such as vegetables. Manufacturers also add them to processed foods, such as bacon, sausages, and deli meats, to preserve them and make them last longer on shelves and in transport.


Fish: “Wild Caught” Does Not Mean It Is Good

When it comes to fish, there is a huge error in most people’s judgement that “wild caught” fish is the best fish to eat, that it always tastes good. It couldn’t be further than the truth. What matters more than how the fish is caught is how the fish dies.


Grass-Fed vs Grain-Fed: What’s The Difference?

Grass-fed and pastured animals are able to graze on a natural diet of grass, and forage for food, which leads to a number of health benefits for both the animals and the people consuming their products.

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Cabbage for a Healthful and Wealthful New Year

New year, new opportunities and goals. Most might remember a grandmother making cabbage every January. But those memories also likely include that cabbage stuffed with pork and served up along side bacon laden black eyed peas and corn bread. Talk about a heavy start to 2023.