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The Sermon At Benares (Summary): Enlightening Insights from Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha, started life as a prince in India, his early years marked by luxury and academic religious training, yet sheltered from life's harsher realities.


Deconstruction and the Bible

Our old relationship with the Bible - Take a moment and think about a Bible verse you’ve carried with you at one point in your life. What about it captured your attention and made it worth remembering?

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The Spread of Buddhism

Buddhism is an important religion in most of the countries of Asia. Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism who was later known as “the Buddha”.


Modern Philosophy 101: Kierkegaard

The modern age, it seemed to Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, is about doubt and questioning. That made it antithetical to the very idea of faith.

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What is the difference between a religion, sect, and cult?

Religion is common to humans across the world, even with extensive differences in culture and geography. A sect and a cult are different forms of religion that developed with social change and due to social stratification.