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Strength Training: The Unexpected Key to Unlocking Your Mind

We all know exercise is good for the body, but its impact on the brain is often underestimated. Strength training, in particular, is like a powerful cognitive upgrade waiting to be activated.


Elevating Energy with Inverted Yoga

Inversion in yoga isn't just about headstands; it's an ancient practice redefining gravity's role in our energy levels.

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What is Pranayam and How Can It Benefit You?

The origins of yoga date back to the sixth and fifth centuries BCE in India. Pranayama, or the yoga of breathing, is mentioned in early yoga texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Hatha Yoga Pradipika.


5 Tips To Stay Active Without Exercise

Easy effective ways to stay healthy.Working out can be difficult when there is no motivation and a busy schedule.Don’t let the scale define you.Be active,Be healthy,Be Happy.Here are a few ways to be active throughout your day:


Pregnancy Fitness: Surprising Insights

Pregnancy fitness isn't just about "bouncing back." It's about empowering your body for the incredible feat it's achieving. Think of it as training for a marathon, not a photoshoot.

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Weightlifting: Burn fat while you chill out

"Mechanical overload-induced muscle-derived extracellular vesicles promote adipose tissue lipolysis." What? Weightlifting helps you burn fat. But that's not all. A new study has found that weightlifting not only burns fat for 24 hours after you stop but changes the metabolism.


Why is soccer the world’s favorite sport?

Soccer has more than 3 billion fans from nearly every continent and culture in the world. But why is it so popular? And why hasn’t it been dethroned by another game finely tuned by commercial interests or by changing sporting tastes? @


The Uncommon Comfort: Squatting vs Sitting

Think sitting's the pinnacle of relaxation? Squat and you'll discover muscles thanking you they forgot existed in the nine-to-five groove.

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Do this to boost your brain health: Dr. Damian Bailey’

There is no current cure for neurogenerative diseases like dementia or Alzheimers. One very powerful way to counter neurodegeneration is through exercise.

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How does exercise change your body and brain?

I noticed one common thing among people who exercise regularly at my nearest park. They are energetic, excited, and look younger. I observed more striking differences in my dad's attitude on his business issues with and without regular exercise.