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Diet 🍏


Secrets of the Gut: A Journey Through Digestive Wellness

Think your bowel movements are just a mundane bodily function? Think again. They're the daily logs of your digestive diary, telling tales of your inner well-being.


Enjoy Food & Still Lose Weight: The Best Tips from Adam Bornstein's "You Can't Screw This Up"

"You Can't Screw This Up" by Adam Bornstein is a refreshing take on dieting that ditches the guilt and embraces the joy of eating, proving that weight loss doesn't have to be a miserable journey.


Not Just Weight Loss—Keto Diet Can Treat Psychiatric Disorders

The ketogenic diet (often referred to as "keto") is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that has become hugely popular as a means to lose weight. However, a growing body of research is showing it may be efficacious for treating a variety of psychiatric disorders.

Top 10 Highest Potassium Foods & Recipes for Heart Health

10) Tomato: Tomatoes have 523mg of potassium per cup when cooked. That's 11% of your daily value of potassium! For a tasty recipe, try Garden Fresh Tomato Soup.

Why the Ancient Greek Diet Should Be Followed Today

Hippocrates, the Ancient Greek physician widely regarded as the father of medicine, once wrote “let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”. This wise advice, followed by most Greeks, allowed them to have a varied & tasty diet, while being healthy. How did this work?


Eat Grapes to Live Longer!

In August of 2022, a whitepaper reviewed by Emily Henederson, b.sc has good news for anyone looking for a simple way improve their health.

THM: A Practical, Sustainable, Nutritious Diet

If you've ever tried keto, paleo, Weight watchers, Atkins, Slimfast, Whole30 or any other fad diet but quickly burned out you may be looking for a plan that's easier (and healthier!) to maintain long term. One plan that's been rising in popularity is Trim Health Mama (THM).

The Tim Ferriss 4-Hour Body Diet: Pros, cons, & how it works

In his bestselling book The 4-Hour Body, Tim Ferriss shares a minimalist diet program (known as the slow-carb diet) based on lean protein, legumes, and vegetables.


Thinking of going vegan? Read this first...

In 1977, official US dietary goals pushed one clear message: cut down on animal-based products. Not everyone was happy with this new guideline. The meat, milk and egg industries caused such a fuss that the body behind the report, the McGovern Committee, was dissolved entirely.

Tokyo’s Palette: A Gustatory Adventure

Tokyo, a city where every street corner is a brushstroke of flavor, ready to paint your palette with the unexpected. Let’s dive into its vibrant cuisine beyond sushi and ramen.


Nutrition Myths Debunked : Separating Fact from Fiction in Healthy Eating

Nutrition myths are like junk food for the brain: tempting to swallow but not so good for you. Let's chew on some facts instead...

Why You Should Avoid Restrictive Diets Like Keto

There are so many restrictive diets today like keto, the carnivore diet, and many others, that promise to change your life, making you fitter, healthier, and happier. If you want to enjoy cooking and eating, I think you should avoid them completely. Here’s why.

Study shows just 1-2 alcoholic drinks per day damage your brain

For many years the science has been clear that heavy drinking is associated with many negative outcomes including damaged brain cells. However, in 2022, 36,000 adults in the UK were studied to see if light/moderate drinking had similar effects.


Top 10 Most Popular Episodes of "Feel Better Live More" podcast with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

10) The 3 DAILY HACKS To Lose Weight & Prevent Disease! | Dr. Jason Fung | 758k views | Jun 22, 2022: When was the last time you had something to eat? Was the food consumed at a mealtime, or just because? A simple but powerful message that I believe could revolutionize healing.

What Makes Blueberries Blue?

Blue is a relatively uncommon colour in the natural world. Few animals except birds, butterflies, insects and whales are blue. Fur for example is never tinged blue. The primary colour is the least frequent tone found on our plates and in our diets. So what makes blueberries blue?

What is the infradian rhythm of the menstrual cycle?

We all know about the circadian rhythm, the 24-hour clock of the body. But what if there was a second clock experienced by those with female physiology? Nutritionist and hormone expert, Alisa Vitti, has broken down how the menstrual cycle creates its own

Find your healthiest diet with the Whole30 program

In 2009, Melissa Hartwig Urban founded the Whole30 program

Savoring Paros: A Bite-Size Culinary Quest

Close your eyes and imagine the Aegean breeze. With each breath, you’re about to embark on Paros' culinary voyage, where every morsel tells a story.


Gut Health's Impact on Mental Well-Being: Surprising Connections Between Digestion & Emotions

Ever felt "butterflies" in your stomach? That's your gut-brain connection at work. This two-way communication superhighway is a hot topic in neuroscience.

Weightlifting: Burn fat while you chill out

"Mechanical overload-induced muscle-derived extracellular vesicles promote adipose tissue lipolysis." What? Weightlifting helps you burn fat. But that's not all. A new study has found that weightlifting not only burns fat for 24 hours after you stop but changes the metabolism.

10 Nutritious Dishes You Can Make in 10 minutes or less

Banana Smoothie: Blend 2 frozen bananas, 1 cup of almond milk, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, tablespoon of vanilla, dash of cinnamon. For thicker smoothies add half a cup of ice. For creamier smoothies, replace 1 frozen banana with a fresh banana.

The link between depression and meatless diets

In September of 2022, a team led by Ingrid S. Cole at a University in Brazil published a report citing that over 14,000 Brazilians were studied to assess the association between meatless diets (such as vegetarianism and veganism) and depressive episodes.

Beef Stew Recipe by Michelin Chef & Winner of Master Chef Jr. - Nathan Odom

In 2015 Nathan Odom won Master Chef Jr. Season 3 at age 13. Now at 22, he has been the chef at 3 Michelin Star restaurant in Japan. He recently turned to Reddit for an Ask Me Anything Session, and ended up sharing the recipe for one of his favorite comfort foods - beef stew: @


The Carnivore Diet (Joe Rogan + Paul Saladino)

Paul Saladino is a certified nutrition expert and an authority on the carnivore diet. In his conversation with Joe Rogan, he compares plant and animal foods, secrets to optimal health, and more.

Does dieting actually work? (Usually not!)

We all know that our body weight depends on the amount of food we eat and the amount of energy we burn. What’s less commonly understood is that food and energy consumption are regulated by the brain. For the most part, we’re not conscious of this.