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What is the history of quarantines in America?

The first quarantine order on record was in 1377, when the Major Council of Croatia attempted to stop the bubonic plague. Before understanding viruses or bacteria, governments knew contagion required isolation of people who had been exposed. For that reas


He predicted the 2008 crash. Now he thinks a Depression is coming.

In 2006, economist Nouriel Roubini was one of only a handful of people who predicted the 2008 housing crash and subsequent recession. Governments could have used it as an opportunity to fix structural problems. Instead, he says, they “kicked the can down


Are pandemics good or bad for cities in the long term?

Richard Florida is one of America’s preeminent commentators on cities and urban change. His book The Rise of the Creative Class (2002) argued that cities rise or fall on their ability to attract creative knowledge workers.