10 Reasons Why You Don't Peak in Your Twenties
May 06, 2023 · 2 mins read

You don’t have money in your twenties. Or maybe you do. That’s really cool if you do. But for most of us on planet earth (or in America at least), you don’t really start making good money until at least your mid to late twenties, and definitely in your thirties.
The dating pool is wack. Everyone seems to be at different stages in life and wanting different things. Sometimes it’s hard to find common ground.
You don’t even have a fully developed frontal lobe until 25. And even then, it takes time to build a lifestyle and routine that is centered around making rational life decisions; which is to say, it probably takes a few more years for that frontal lobe to start taking the wheel.
You still care a little bit too much. Everyone in their high school days probably remembers caring a little bit too much about what everyone thinks. Even though a person might be 7 or more years removed from their high school days, old habits die hard.
Salma Hayek was 28 when she filmed From Dusk Till Dawn and turned 29 by the time it was released. She was 35 when she did Frida and won an Oscar nomination for the movie. Additionally, she was 39 by the time she married her now-husband and had their child when she was 41.
You’re on the hamster wheel in your twenties. You’re young, trying to make a name for yourself, faced with bills and responsibilities. It takes awhile before you really start to get the hang of taking care of yourself and being an adult.
Your sex life in your twenties cannot be the best it’s ever going to be. It just can’t. Sex and love can only get better and deeper (that is, more intimate) the more that you grow, learn, and evolve.
Friendships are hard in your twenties. It’s difficult to maintain stable friendships when all your energy is devoted to carving out your place in life, and when you factor in other people’s free will, trying to find a time to come together for a night out can become impossible.
You attract the wrong kinds of people in your twenties. Maybe it’s the baby face. Maybe it’s because you seem to have “I will tolerate your bullshit” written on your forehead in invisible ink. As you get older, you learn from it. You start noticing and picking the right people.
You probably won’t create your magnum opus in your twenties, and that’s okay. Everything happens in its own perfect timing, whether you're still in your twenties or not.
