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Capitalism 💶



Capitalism and Climate Change: A Deadly Duo

The risks of climate change have been ignored due to the protection of political and economic interests by the corporate establishment worldwide. In the energy sector, for example, the majority of companies continue to support trade associations who actively oppose climate change


10 Ways that Elon Musk became a billionaire

1. PayPal: Musk co-founded PayPal, an online payment system, in 1999. The company quickly became successful and was sold to eBay for $1.5 billion in 2002, making Musk a multimillionaire.


60 years to a new monetary standard

People view Bitcoin as just another technology, but it's much more than that. Bitcoin is a technologically driven socio-economic transformation, and with that comes both massive benefits and hurdles.

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A North Korean defector’s view on inequality

Many people and organizations advocate for policies and reforms aimed at reducing inequality. But Yeonmi Park, who escaped North Korea, says inequality is not that bad. In one of her speeches, she says: “Inequality is an amazing thing”.


Indian Startups: To merge or not to merge!

Leaving the pandemic lull and the uncertainties of 2020 & 21 behind, Indian startup ecosystem has entered a consolidation stage with the first half of 2022 witnessing 175 acquisitions up from 98 during the same period last year.

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The Internet's Best 2 Minute Introduction to Inflation

Inflation is in the news and there is no one better to understand it with than Henry Hazlitt. He wrote economics books that sold millions of copies, ran the economics desk atNYT and Newsweek for decades, and inspired presidents and Nobel prize winners. Hazlitt on inflation👇

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Formula 1 for beginners.

The “F1” competition is a series of races, known as Grands Prix, held across the world on both purpose-built circuits and closed public roads. F1 is the highest class of international racing for open-wheel, open-cabin, single-seater, and four-wheeled cars.

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3 reasons China (and Japan) are beating the US at the economic game

Introduction. Eamonn Fingleton is a financial journalist known for his sharp insights on the global economy. In this Memo, discover Fingleton's argument for why China is beating the US, the three strategies the Chinese use, and how "authoritarianism is set to inherit the earth"👇

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10 Manifestos That Shaped Your World

Common Sense by Thomas Paine (1776). When Paine wrote this, "American independence and the establishment of a republican democracy" were the intellectual pre-occupations of a small minority. He took these ideas mainstream and "galvanised 2.5 million colonists to fight and win." @


Achilles' Heel

In spite of all the love and hope in the far corners of the world, I see only the small, dim light surrounded by shadowy unknowns. Living in this late-stage malignancy is much like wallowing in one's own filth: we grow accustomed to the smell. Our inclinations are to stand idle.


'It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism' by Bernie Sanders - a quick summary

US Senator Bernie Sanders wroteIt's Ok to Be Angry About Capitalism (edited by John Nichols, a journalist for The Nation) to illustrate how capitalism is an inherently flawed system that creates vast inequality.

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Is there a link between spirituality and wealth?

In late 19th century Germany, the business leaders and owners of capital, not to mention the bulk of higher skilled workers and managers, were Protestant. Protestants also had higher levels of educational achievement than Catholics.


Herbicides & Pesticides: How Even “Healthy” Foods Can Kill

Herbicides and pesticides are, by design, poisons, used by farmers as a method of ensuring crop yield is at its highest. However, they often harm more than pests, and can expose consumers and entire local communities to toxic, harmful chemicals in many different ways.

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How voice assistant conversations are "designed" to make them seem natural and human

The interaction between humans and machines has grown exponentially. You may have used voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, or chatbots, and been surprised that interaction with them is more conversational than robotic.

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Introduction: Increased economic dependence of several developing nations on China has been a cause of concern. But is it really something to be worried about or is this just an instance of a symbiotic investment relationship? Let’s dig in!


The Landlords Game : The Hijacked History of Monopoly

More than 3 decades before Parker Bros published what would become the world’s most popular board game, a young female activist, engineer and actress named Lizzie Magie was busy inventing it.  


Bata Pricing : Why It Tricks Us To Buy

Bata pricing is a retail practise which sees the cost of an item advertised at the nearest .99 number instead of the obvious even one. For example, that shiny new pen may cost you $1.99 instead of $2. What is the reason for the price point and how does affect consumer behaviour? @


10 Reasons Why You Don't Peak in Your Twenties

You don’t have money in your twenties. Or maybe you do. That’s really cool if you do. But for most of us on planet earth (or in America at least), you don’t really start making good money until at least your mid to late twenties, and definitely in your thirties.


Bitcoin's Circular Economy

Looked at through the lens of necessity, we can better understand Bitcoin’s progression toward a broader, circular economy. 🧵 https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/bitcoin-economy-is-circular


EMPIRE OF PAIN: A Masterpiece on the US Opioid Crisis and the Sackler Family

"The only difference between heroin and OxyContin is that you can get OxyContin from a Doctor." - anonymous mother from Gadsden, Alabama who lost a child to an OxyContin overdose. (This memo is based on Patrick Radden Keefe's book, Empire of Pain).

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Starting CAT prep

Hi! This is my CAT prep "something" so I can look back and to share it too.

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Why do you get a high when shopping?

When people go shopping with the primary purpose of making themselves feel good, it’s called retail therapy. It gives people a sense of control, helps them de-stress, and cheers them up.

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Top Performing Indian States & UTs In Terms Of The Startup Ecosystem

1/ Karnataka Total Number of Startups: 4K+ Total Funding (2014 & H1 2022): $62 Bn

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75 years of India’s Independence

India became independent on 15th Aug 1947. The journey from a colonised country to a secular, sovereign, democratic republic has inspired many countries. Let’s take a look at India after 75 years of its independence.


Why We Will Never Get Complete Stories Again.

With many studios under the umbrella of a corporation there is little incentive to bring a popular property to its conclusion. @