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Career πŸ‘©β€πŸ«


Ways to stop procrastination

Using productivity apps like Forest

The Art of "Managing Up" at Work: All You Need to Know

"Managing up" isn't about flattery or gaming the system; it's strategic career diplomacy that benefits you and your boss alike.


Unveiling the Power of Tech in Personal Productivity

To harness tech for productivity, insight trumps tools. It’s less about apps, more about how you wield them.

Unweaving the Social Lattice: A Networking Symphony

Networking isn’t just collecting business cards; it's the art of creating a vibrant tapestry of connections, blending threads of various tints.

The Best (and Easiest) Ways to Fire Someone in 2024

Believe it or not: firing is a tool, not a punishment. This idea is essential to your toolkit as an employer. Master its use by understanding the work, providing clear direction, and offering any necessary support. (This will take time.)

9 Fatal Career Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Career paths are like tightropes; one misstep can mean a serious fall. Let's navigate the 9 fatal career mistakes to keep you balanced and moving forward.

The Human Side of Business Metrics: Surprising Ways Emotions Impact Performance

Metrics aren't just numbers; they're stories about people. Behind every data point is a late night, a brainstorm, or a moment of inspiration. Understanding this hidden layer is key to decoding performance..

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4 Magic Hooks That Will Give You An Unfair Advantage In Almost 99% Of Conversations.

The key to effective communication is to know exactly what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. A subtle change of words can make a huge difference in the outcome of a whole conversation. These are called magic words, that talk straight to our subconscious mind.

Unlocking Growth: 10 Hacks for Opportunity Spotting

Who's your work BFF? Surround yourself with an inner circle of "idea buddies" who challenge your perspectives. Fresh eyes spot fresh opportunities.


Unveiling the Power of Tech in Personal Productivity

To harness tech for productivity, insight trumps tools. It’s less about apps, more about how you wield them.

Unveiling the Power of Tech in Personal Productivity

To harness tech for productivity, insight trumps tools. It’s less about apps, more about how you wield them.

The Machiavellian Guide to Surviving Office Politics

The dark prince of office politics? Yes, we're talking about Machiavelli, the 16th-century Italian diplomat whose cunning ways can surprisingly help you navigate today's corporate labyrinth. Let's unpack some lessons from history's most notorious political mastermind... πŸ‘‡

How to Give Feedback that Actually Works: A Rapid Guide

In the art of feedback, the goal isn't to change people but to inspire growth. It's a journey, not a critique session. Ready to have your mind changed about how it's done?

Blossoming Beyond Expectations: Insights from Late Bloomers

Age Is But a Number: Many renowned individuals achieved greatness later in life, debunking the notion of youth as the sole gateway to success. Take Julia Child, who blossomed as a chef in her late 30s, or Stan Lee, who created iconic superheroes in his 40s.

How (and Why) Companies Try to Balance Profit and Principles

Having spent my career in human resources for companies of various sizes, one big thing that has changed is a focus on corporate 'ethics': a tightrope walk between profit and principles. In today’s business world, it's not just about making money but also how you make it.

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The Subtle Art of Fitting In at Work: What "Cultural Fit" Really Means

"Fitting in" at work is a delicate dance of navigating unspoken rules, shared values, and office norms that can make or break your success. It requires a deep understanding of the organization's culture and the political acumen to adapt and thrive within it. Let's break it down.


Unveiling the Power of Tech in Personal Productivity

To harness tech for productivity, insight trumps tools. It’s less about apps, more about how you wield them.


Unveiling the Power of Tech in Personal Productivity

To harness tech for productivity, insight trumps tools. It’s less about apps, more about how you wield them.


Office Politics: The Hidden Hierarchies That Govern Your Workplace

Think about your workspace as a mini civilization. Office politics isn’t an option, it’s a survival strategy. It’s more Game of Thrones than board game, and you’re a player, whether you signed up or not.


The 5 Biggest Mistakes a Manager Can Make...

Ever felt like your job's a puzzle where the pieces don't fit? Let's dive into the top management mistakes that turn a dream job into a daily grind...

Mentorship Myths Debunked: What Successful Mentorship Really Looks Like

Myth: Mentorship is only for beginners. Truth: Mentorship benefits everyone, at any career stage. It's about growth, challenge, and sharing wisdom, not just getting started.

9 of Napoleon's Military Maxims to help you Conquer the Year Ahead

Out of 60 battles, Napoleon lost only 7 Wellington said Napoleon was the greatest captain "in this ages, in past ages, in any age" Achieve victory in 2024 by following the military maxims of history’s greatest general βš”οΈπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


How Sarcasm Damages Relationships

Sarcasm is hurtful. The word sarcasm comes from the Greek word for β€œpeeling off the skin.” It is an intent to hurt, embarrass, or humiliate.