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A Twitter thread by Johnny Brown on Health
If you sleep less than 8 hours a night, read this:

A Twitter thread by Kike Valtierra on Twitter
- Tengo un trabajo “normal” de 8 a 5 - Creo contenido para redes - Atiendo clientes de digitalmentelibre - Paso tiempo de calidad con mi esposa, hijo y perro ¿Qué no hago? -Duchas de agua fría -Ni rutinas sofisticadas al despertar Solo hago estás 5 cosas para ser productivo.

A Twitter thread by PABLITO | Copywriter on Ia
12 sitios web brillantes que utilizan la inteligencia artificial y Chat GPT 4 para ahorrar innumerables horas de trabajo (marcalos): // HILO //🧵

A Twitter thread by SensaHealth on Health
La procrastinación no es pereza. Es un problema de regulación emocional que puede contribuir al estrés y la ansiedad. Explora técnicas científicas para superar la procrastinación y sentirte mejor. Pruébala ahora 👇

Finding success as a solo creator – a Twitter thread of advice by Jay Clouse
I earn $40,000+ per month as a solo creator. If I had to start over, here's what I'd do: 🧵

A Twitter thread by Jacked Aecus, Development Coach on Mindset
Unlocking Manhood: What Builds a REAL MAN?

A Twitter thread on self-care by @Philosophy Sage
8 Straight Forward Quotes On Self-Care: 1.

A Twitter thread by Mind Wisdom Money🕊 on Education
10 YouTube channels that will make you smarter:

A Twitter thread by Library Mindset on Books
10 Books You Should Read In 2023 1)

A Twitter thread on mental models by Philosophy Sage
Today's reminder!

A Twitter thread by Philosophy Sage on Mindset
Today's reminder!

A Twitter thread by Philosophy Sage on Philosophy
7 Hard truths of life and psychology: 1.

A Twitter thread by Alpha Club on Health
5 best back exercises to unf*ck your back once and for all

A Twitter thread by Philosophy Thoughts on Philosophy
7 Self-Care Visuals That Will Heal and Inspire You: 1.

A Twitter thread on NATO by FEMA
#ICYMI: Last week @FEMA_Deanne was in Brussels, Belgium. She had an engaging meeting with @USNATO Deputy Chief of Mission Rick Holtzapple to review our successful efforts in advancing NATO Resilience priorities and future commitments. 1/4

A Twitter thread on Education by Veronica Matteo
If you lack discipline, read this thread:

A Twitter thread by Wealth Inc 💰 on Politics
If you lack discipline, read this thread:

A Twitter thread by SpookyShiba Official | E-Sports Gaming on Spookyshiba
#SpookyShiba have so much back to the #community in the month of October. Between #BNB #BUSD, an #iPhone13 and over 400k #SPKY we have given away over $12,000 in just one month @GerhardHacher #Spooky #Crypto #P2E #BTC #BinanceSmartChain #ETH #games

A Twitter thread by Shaan Puri on Crypto
Here's the 30 second summary of the FTX drama that is blowing up in crypto. 1/ How FTX (a multi billion dollar co) almost died overnight 2/ And why this is a god tier strategic move by @cz_binance

A Twitter thread by Shaan Puri on Crypto
Here's the 30 second summary of the FTX drama that is blowing up in crypto. 1/ How FTX (a multi billion dollar co) almost died overnight 2/ And why this is a god tier strategic move by @cz_binance

A Twitter thread by Shaan Puri on Crypto
Here's the 30 second summary of the FTX drama that is blowing up in crypto. 1/ How FTX (a multi billion dollar co) almost died overnight 2/ And why this is a god tier strategic move by @cz_binance

A Twitter thread by Go Web Dev on Technology
Free APIs for your next project. #html #css #javascript #webdeveloper #API A thread 🧵

A Twitter thread by ストライド・ヴォラキア | Stride Vollachia on Lecture
Re: Zero Daily Trivia #892 The first character to receive a named chapter in Re: Zero was Rem. As well as that, she was also the first character to receive an IF story, both in the Web Novel, and as a published Light Novel. #rezero #anime #リゼロ

A Twitter thread by ストライド・ヴォラキア | Stride Vollachia on Lecture
Re: Zero Daily Trivia #892 The first character to receive a named chapter in Re: Zero was Rem. As well as that, she was also the first character to receive an IF story, both in the Web Novel, and as a published Light Novel. #rezero #anime #リゼロ

A Twitter thread by Coltybrah on Success
When I stopped focusing on optimization type shit & just focused on getting the shit done despite circumstances everything in my life increased 10X Goes for business, athletics, relationships etc optimization is fluff. Like the casserole on a dinner plate Right hand to god.