Busy mom who spends much of my time writing and editing copy as editor of my county paper. I ob...View more
Even superheroes need community
If COVID-19 has taught us anything, we don't do great as humans being isolated. We just do better being with others. Even introverts need a little companionship to keep us from feeling completely alone and at our worst.

Lessons on relationships from the book Good Inside
The New York Times bestseller book Good Inside by Dr. Becky Peterson, helpful for parents and relationships in general, is based on the idea that we are all essentially good inside. There are lessons that can be applied to any relationship between two people. Here are just a few:

8 main neurotransmitters responsible for your emotions
Neurotransmitters are electrical impulses that carry chemical signals from one nerve cell or neuron to the next nerve cell, muscle cell or gland. The brain uses neurotransmitters to regulate functions such as digestion, mood, appetite, muscle movement and more.

Surprising lessons from The New Jim Crow book
The New Jim Crow - Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness book by Michelle Alexander is filled with solid research, case studies and facts that is a must read, especially for white Americans who don't have to worry about the color of their skin in America.

7 common mistakes people make while paying off debt
Failure to make a budget. You can't tackle debt if you have no idea how much there is or how much you are bringing in. Figure out the total numbers of everything you are dealing with and make a plan. Be honest.

Saving money even when you're broke
Living paycheck to paycheck isn't fun and can be scary, but there are ways to take back your power and climb out of the cycle of being broke month after month. The most important step is to first be aware of where your finances are going and how much you have exactly.

Why people pleasing is selfish and how to stop
People pleasing generally makes you think of helping people, but according to an article on people pleasing involves editing or altering words and behaviors for the sake of another personβs feelings or reactions. That doesn't sound quite as tidy and nice at all.

7 reasons to consider online therapy
One of the few positives that came from COVID-19 is the realization that online or virtual appointments can be just as effective and sometimes more efficient. In fact, many patients and therapists now prefer to meet on the computer rather than face to face. @