Using Mindfulness to Improve Your Life
Jun 25, 2022 · 2 mins read

Mindfulness is one of the best tools to help improve your well-being. It has been proven to lower anxiety and depression, increase focus and memory, and improve emotional control, flexible thinking, and relational satisfaction. It has even been shown to improve physical health.
Mindfulness is simply the practice of being present in the moment. Often times we spend our days ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. By simply “living in the now,” we are able to experience wholeness. These activities are easy ways to implement mindfulness.
Mindful Eating Start by turning off the music and TV and putting away your phone. Begin with an orange. Notice how it looks. Pay attention to the smells, textures, and sounds as you peel it. Eat it slowly and notice where you feel and taste it on your tongue. Now try other foods.
Planted Like A Tree Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and reach your arms up to the sky. Imagine that you are a tree. Feel the earth beneath you. Notice the temperature and movement of the air on your arms. Gently sway your arms and torso, while staying firmly planted.
Mindful Driving Resist the urge to turn on auto-pilot. Instead, turn off the music and phone and focus on what’s around you. Notice the sounds around you, the feel of the seat underneath you, the view of the horizon, the cars and pedestrians nearby, and the smells around you.
Bubble Release Sit for a moment and notice the thoughts passing through your mind. Don’t try to judge or change your thoughts, simply notice them and blow a bubble (or imagine doing so). Imagine putting your thoughts and worries into the bubbles and watching them float away.
Sensory Scavenger Hunt Go for a walk, paying special attention to what you can notice with your senses. Explore the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Feel the ground beneath your feet and the leaves on trees. Pack a snack or drink and notice its flavor and texture.
Body Scan Meditation Lay down and close your eyes. Imagine moving through each section of your body, traveling from your toes up to your head. At each section pause and notice what is held there. Is their pain, tension, anxiety? Finish by taking several deep breaths.
Mindful Breathing Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Notice your thoughts and feelings; accept them and allow them to enter and leave. Take several deep breaths, feeling your lungs fill with air. Imagine the air traveling throughout your body.
Mindfulness activities are a bit like recipes—there are hundreds of options and you can modify them to fit your preferences and abilities. Just find what is most helpful to you! Regularly practicing mindfulness can improve your emotional, mental, relational, & physical health.