5 Practical Tips On Eliminating and Overcoming Your Mindless Scrolling Habit
Dec 12, 2022 · 3 mins read

5 Practical Tips On Eliminating and Overcoming Your Mindless Scrolling Habit
We are constantly juggling multiple things each day. Scrolling Instagram while walking, checking our Facebook while we are in a meeting, watching Instagram and TikTok videos for hours on end and procrastinating on things that are actually important for our well-being.

Even a short time alone with ourselves is uncomfortable for us, so whenever we have the opportunity we take out our smartphones and begin our favorite ritual of mindless scrolling. We respond to the notification as soon as it appears, and over time, it becomes a behavior.
Every time we repeat a dopamine-releasing behavior, our brain feels good. Mindless browsing, junk food consumption, drugs, pornography, smoking, shopping, and sex all-cause dopamine to be released in our brain, which makes us feel good and motivates us to repeat this behavior.
If you spend a large portion of your day in a state of fragmented attention, breaking up your attention for addressing various notifications all day, then this behavior can permanently reduce your capacity for concentration. Here's how you can eliminate this behavior:
1. Remind Yourself of the Harmful Effects
Behavior change can be challenging. We are motivated to avoid losses rather than achieve equivalent gains. When we remind ourselves that by mindlessly scrolling, we may lose our ability to focus. We have a better chance of success.
If we are mindful of its exceedingly harmful effects, then slowly and steadily we’ll be able to rewire our minds. Imagine a life of not being able to concentrate on a single task and a life of scattered focus. The mere reminder will assist you in maintaining healthy behavior.
2. Say It Out Loud
Every time you try to pick up your smartphone or find yourself in the middle of a scrolling marathon, say out loud, “Gosh!! I’ve been scrolling for 1 hour” Hearing our bad habits spoken aloud makes the consequences seem more real and makes us more accountable.
It also adds weight to the action as opposed to mindlessly slipping into the old routine. You're convincing yourself that action is required, which can make all the difference.
3. Motivation is Overrated; Environment Often Matters More
Reinventing our environment can do wonders. Pick one activity that you are interested in: it might be reading, gardening, working out, or anything that interests you, also keep something linked with that activity nearby.

Surround yourself with books if you want to read more, keep a journal nearby if you like to write, and put your dumbbells where you can see them every day. Invent the environment that inspires you to repeat healthy behaviors.