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Productivity ⏱


Unveiling Productivity: Smart Home Tech Integration

Imagine a home where every device works in concert to create the perfect environment for productivity—a symphony of smart tech at your service.


The Psychology of Procrastination: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Sabotag

Procrastination isn't just laziness; it's our brain's way of handling stress with a "flight" response – like hitting snooze on your alarm, but for tasks.

How Social Media Destroys Your Brain and Self-Image.

Social media and the information age are like superheroes with a double-edged sword. On one hand, they bring friends closer, help us discover cool stuff, and let us share our lives. But, they're also the villains causing stress and insecurities.


Lessons on Creativity and Productivity From the Man Who Wrote 400 Porn Novels

After noticing the poor quality of writing in a book he ordered in the 1960s, Andrew Offutt hurled it across the room and announced to his wife that he could do better. Thus began his switch from insurance salesperson to pornographer.

I Stopped Using Instagram and YouTube For 30 days and Here’s What Happened.

Technology is a double-edged sword. It comes with its share of pros and cons. But the problem arrives when the cons far outweigh the pros. I’m an avid reader and lately, I have realized that my ability to concentrate has decreased dramatically.


5 Habits To Naturally Raise Dopamine To Boost Your Productivity And Enhance Creativity.

What is Dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter made in your brain. It plays a role as a “reward center” and in many body functions, including memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention, and more. It is also known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter.

What Death Can Teach You About Overthinking

I used to have ONE severe addiction: Overthinking. I spent so much time over-analyzing how my new business might fail 😥 So I never took action ❌ What ended my addiction? This story of a village visited by “Death”

Oulipo: A mathematical way to cure writer's block

Raymond Queneau beat writer's block and founded an experimental literary movement by creating a flipbook called One Hundred Thousand Billion Poems. Each page had 14 lines written on strips that could be swapped with lines from other poems – a near-infinite set of possibilities.


5 Practical Tips On Eliminating and Overcoming Your Mindless Scrolling Habit

We are constantly juggling multiple things each day. Scrolling Instagram while walking, checking our Facebook while we are in a meeting, watching Instagram and TikTok videos for hours on end and procrastinating on things that are actually important for our well-being.

Elevating Energy with Inverted Yoga

Inversion in yoga isn't just about headstands; it's an ancient practice redefining gravity's role in our energy levels.


The Surprising Link Between Productivity and Happiness.

In the bustling world of deadlines, tasks, and endless to-do lists, one might assume that the pursuit of productivity is solely for professional success. However, what if I told you that the path to productivity is intricately woven into the fabric of happiness?


7 Habits To Help You Remember What You Read by Jim Kwik

We now live in a highly competitive information age. Each of us has access to more information than we could possibly imagine. Yet we are still using the same methods to absorb and process it all. Today, our requirements for learning are much different.

5 Eye-Opening Japanese Techniques To Overcome Laziness ...

The majority of us struggle with procrastination on a regular basis. In the case of unimportant tasks, procrastination isn't a bad thing. The problem arises when you procrastinate on tasks significant to your professional and personal development.


How To Fight Distractions Even If You Are Addicted To Your Smartphone

Shocking Facts: On average, children 8–18 spend 7.5 hours a day in front of screens for entertainment alone which amounts to 114 days a year. In young adults, phone usage is up by 60–80% more than pre-pandemic levels. 47% of Americans admit they’re addicted to their phones.


Bored? Here are 5 Productive and Fun (yes, FUN) Things To Do This Summer

School's over, and summer's here! Tests and stress have finally disappeared from our heads. However, one problem remains: how will I spend the next three months? Here are five ideas to help you:

Cal Newport on the problem with workplace productivity

Cal Newport is the best-selling author of “Deep Work” and “Digital Minimalism”. In 2023, he shared new insights on the subject of slow productivity in an interview with NYT writer David Marchese. If you haven’t read all 2,500 words (or don't subscribe), here’s my TL;DR...


5 Time Management Mistakes Are Ruining Your Productivity & How to Avoid Them.

We are all aware of the time management habits that we must develop in order to be productive. But it's mostly our bad habits that prevent us from succeeding in life. They act like excess baggage on our backs, holding us back and putting a limit on our lives and productivity.

How Backward Thinking method will boost your productivity

It's difficult for us to think about most of our problems in a forward way. While we can easily approach our problems better if we address them in a backward way. What does that mean? Let me explain.

The Psychology of Solitude: Why We Need Alone Time More Than Ever

Solitude isn't loneliness; it's a chosen separation for growth. In an era where our thoughts are drowned in notifications, silence is not just golden; it's revolutionary.

4 Nonfiction Books To Master Your Focus and Take Control Of Social Media Addiction.

Social media has taken over our lives, everyone around us is glued to their screens. It has significantly decreased our attention spans and ability to focus on a single task for more than a few minutes. There is always some kind of notification popping up from our smartphones.


5 Micro Habits To Supercharge Your Life, Productivity, And Creativity

The choices we make in our daily lives dictate our future in the long run. We can’t rely on willpower alone to get us through procrastination. To achieve great things in life, we must establish systems and habits that support our journey toward meaningful goals.


How Will You Spend Your 4,000 Weeks of Life?

The enlightening book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkema teaches 10 invaluable tools and strategies for embracing the finite nature of time. These insights can empower individuals to make conscious choices and increase productivity and fulfillment.

7 AI Tools That Outperform ChatGPT

Artificial intelligence tools are popping up everywhere and quickly becoming integrated and standard practice parts of many long established businesses. ChatGPT is certainly the rails most of them run on, but here are 7 AI tools that are truly next level:


Should your colleagues be your friends?

Most people work 8-10 hrs per day. Given the amount of time we spend at work, we are bound to form relationships. Can these bonds turn into friendships? Let’s analyze:


5 Effective Ways To Stay Focused While Working From Home

Since 2020, working lives have never been the same anymore, in the blink of an eye, millions of people lost their jobs, switched careers, and found themselves in the new wave of work-from-home culture. This culture poses a lot of challenges for the majority of people.