How to be an Introverted Mom
Aug 23, 2022 Β· 4 mins read

Is this you? Part 1
If you've ever heard other moms gushing over how excited they are to play with their little ones all the time, going so far as to have to stop themselves from waking said little one up just to play more, and thought "what are you smoking"--you may be an introverted mom.
There are many misconceptions about what an introvert is. Too many think it's not being capable of social interaction. The reality is that introverts are often very good at social interaction; they just don't need or want it. So what is an introvert? It's many things:
1. Is your inner monologue on overdrive? Do you overthink what you did or said for hours, days, or weeks after an interaction? 2. Do you feel great engaging in solo activities? Maybe you even prefer your own company for your downtime instead of wrangling friends for a night out?
3. Do you do your best thinking alone? 4. Do you feel fake in your 'public face'? The one you put on networking for your job? 5. Are you good not being the center of attention? 6. Does small talk annoy you? You prefer to have deep conversations and so may be labeled 'intense'?
7. Do you like a close but small group of friends rather than a large more superficial group? 8. Do you need to gear up for or come down from a social event? Have you experienced a social hangover after a big event? 9. Can you focus or get in the zone for hours at a time?
10. Have you been told you're a good listener? You might not be a great talker and may prefer to express yourself in writing rather than off the cuff talking, but you are extraordinary at listening to others and helping them look at their issue from a different vantage?
If these things sound like you, congratulations! You may be an introvert. It's not a matter of social conditioning or choice; the science says your brain is wired differently. Introverts are sensitive to dopamine and your dopamine receptors aren't as active as an extrovert's.
Dopamine is a natural drug that gives you a high.Extroverts have very active dopamine receptors and they need a lot of it to feel its effects. A party for example will release their dopamine and the loud environment keeps it pumping. Basically they get high and keep chasing it.
Introverts conversely have very low dopamine activity. A party or being the center of attention doesn't get followed up with a dose of euphoric high. So they just don't chase something with no reward. They're also sensitive to dopamine and thus easily overwhelmed by it.
It's easier to figure out if you're a parent. Usually if there's a small human who needs to be dressed, fed, and changed in the house--you're a parent. In the dark reaches of mom forums, you find confused moms who don't know 'what's wrong' or 'how to fix it.' Here's some tips...