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Creating a Support System for Success

Success is not a solo endeavor; it thrives on connections and collaboration.


What’s the smartest thing Amazon ever did?

Amazon.com has notched up some massive successes since it began in 1997: Prime delivery, Amazon Web Services, the Alexa device, and Prime Video to name a few.

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Formula 1 for beginners.

The “F1” competition is a series of races, known as Grands Prix, held across the world on both purpose-built circuits and closed public roads. F1 is the highest class of international racing for open-wheel, open-cabin, single-seater, and four-wheeled cars.


10 leadership pitfalls from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich

“Inability to organize details. Efficient leadership calls for an ability to organize and to master details… [He] must be the master of all details connected with his position. That means, of course, that he must acquire the habit of relegating details to capable lieutenants.” @