
Partha Dasgupta's Economics of Biodiversity report: A quick summary
In 2021, economist Partha Dasgupta wrote a 600+ page report for the UK government on the financial value of nature. 🌳 Despite its length, this groundbreaking report earned him recognition from the UN and a rare honor from King Charles III.

Mushroom Material : Packaging Solutions Grown from Mycelium
The US produces over 80 million tonnes of plastic packaging waste annually, most of which is used once and sent to landfill. Recycling facilities are overwhelmed with non-biodegradable products like Styrofoam which are so durable they may last in our environment forever.

Patagonia Founder Donates Entire Company to Charity
You’re likely aware of the outdoor clothing and equipment brand Patagonia Inc. Maybe you’re wearing one of their stylish fleeces now. Known for ethical, high-quality goods, with over 30 stores in the US alone, Patagonia Inc are one of America's most popular homegrown brands.

Speciesism and the Struggle with Sentience
Are you struggling to disconnect the bacon on your plate from the pig in the pen lately? Does learning about factory farmed eggs turn you off your omelette? Repulsed at the thought of an animal abattoir? You might be suddenly and keenly aware of speciesism.

Greenwashing and How to Spot It
The term 'greenwashing' has been hitting the headlines lately as savvy consumers turn their focus towards a company’s environmental record to guide their buying choices. Big business finally being held accountable for their impact is making corporations understandably nervous.

Sustainable Staycations : How to Holiday at Home
With the price of basic utilities skyrocketing and inflation at an all time high, taking a vacation may be out of financial reach for some of us. Flights and accommodation fees are not a priority, never mind the ecological consequences and carbon emissions involved with aviation.

Are electric vehicles really greener than petrol cars?
An electric vehicle (EV) is one that operates on an electric motor, instead of an internal combustion engine that generates power by burning a mix of fuel and gases. Burning fossil fuels in cars releases carbon dioxide, increasing greenhouse gas emissions. @

Eating insects will mess with your mind… and save the world
Would you consider eating ice cream made from bees? Tortilla chips made of crickets? How about fly larvae sold in supermarkets? These things are much closer to being an everyday reality than you might think...

Easy 3 Ingredient Recipe for the Perfect Pancake
Pancake Tuesday is finally taking off in the USA. Who doesn’t want an entire day dedicated to the soft, fluffy dessert classics? What began as a religious attempt to use up foodstuffs before the fast of Lent became a regular celebration in many households, regardless of creed.

Organic Food : Better for the Body or Not Worth the Price?
Eco-friendly, sustainable, compostable… these are buzz words we are exposed to regularly thanks to corporate greenwashing capitalising on environmental trends. No business has suffered this onslaught of marketing slogans and made-up labels more than the food industry.

Air-based Meat? Pulling Protein From Thin Air
You’ve heard of plant-based meats, the culinary craze of vegetable protein pieces designed to look and taste like meat? It's a viable, tasty and cruelty free alternative, but does present its own environmental challenges. What about pulling protein from thin air?

Plastic Rain : How PFAs Make Rainwater Unpotable
A Swedish Research team recently made the grim discovery that no rainwater that falls anywhere on Earth is safe enough for humans to drink. Containing dangerous levels of PFAs, rainwater pollution exceeds safe levels and can negatively impact our health.

Lego : Building a Greener Future
Many of us have fond memories of whiling away hours of childhood playing with Lego. The iconic building bricks are a fixture in most homes as families garner pleasure constructing, dismantling and reconstructing imaginative things with the colourful interlinking children's toys.

An insider’s guide to sustainability at work
Imagine you're standing in the supermarket, about to buy some plant-based milk. There are so many options – much more than if you were just buying dairy milk – that it’s hard to choose.

Forever No More : Calling Time on PFAs
PFAs, or per- & poly-fluoroalkyl substances, referred to as Forever Chemicals, are solid particles that do not degrade naturally with light, heat, weather, or over time like most plastics. There are thousands of PFAs that, once discarded, pervade the planet and pollute.

Dissatisfied Tesla Owners Launch Hunger Strike in Protest
If you’ve ever been dissatisfied with a purchase or struggled to activate a warranty, you may identify with this. In a desperate attempt to get CEO of Tesla Elon Musk’s attention regarding the numerous faults reported, a group of Norwegian owners have staged a hunger strike.

Space Waste : The Junk That Litters Our Skies
If you are conscious of mankind's destructive and pollutant impact on the environment, spare a thought for the skies. Experts say hundreds of millions of pieces of trash are currently floating in our atmosphere, discarded in the cosmos like nebulous space garbage.

Plastic, Pollution and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Oceans cover over 70% of Earths surface and contain 97% of the worlds water. They also comprise over 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic pollution. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, or GPGP, first described in 1997, is just one consequence of this marine contamination.

Where have all the fireflies gone?
If your fondest childhood memories are filled with the soft, hazy blink and glow of fireflies in flight, you're not alone. But looking to the garden these days, it seems the cheerful little lightning bugs were much more prevalent in memory. Where have all the fireflies gone?

Why don’t corporations and governments do more about climate change?
There’s no question about it: climate change will force corporations to adjust their practices eventually. The big multinationals, the Fortune 500 companies, will have to change or die. But in the meantime, there are some clear points of resistance…