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Religion 🛐



Historical Roots of Salvation and Damnation Doctrines: Unveiling Surprising Origins

The concepts of salvation and damnation are not just religious dogmas but are deeply rooted in ancient mythologies. Early Mesopotamian texts reveal a dualistic view of the afterlife, where souls faced judgment, a precursor to later religious doctrines.


Unleashing the Leader Within: A Journey to Self-Discovery

Innate Leadership: The resistance to being controlled is a sign of inherent leadership capacity.

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Engel v. Vitale, Church v. State: All you need to know about this landmark case

Engel v. Vitale is a landmark Supreme Court case that reshaped the landscape of religious freedom in American public schools, sparking debates that continue today.

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The Sermon At Benares (Summary): Enlightening Insights from Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha, started life as a prince in India, his early years marked by luxury and academic religious training, yet sheltered from life's harsher realities.


Kabbalah: Why Study Of It Comes With A Warning

Every religion gives rise to mystical offshoots that provide a more personal intimacy with the divine, compared with the dogma and institutions of the mother faith.


8 early Christian texts (besides the bible) that will inspire even atheists

Even if they don't convert you, these are worth reading. I've selected them because they are -Short -Influential -Accessible -Narrative driven mostly I find stories about real, amazing people more engaging than theology. These illustrate how & why Christianity conquered Rome.


Why the modern man NEEDS myths

Rollo May was an existential psychotherapist. In his book A Cry For Myth, he explores the place of mythology in modern life. Here are some great insights on how humans need more than mere reason to thrive, why mythology is connected to the drug crisis, and more:


How to ask someone out in person

Choose the right moment: Timing is key when it comes to asking someone out in person. Make sure the moment is right and they are not preoccupied with something else.


The Catholic Philosopher Who Chose Death Over Compromise

Thomas More was the most powerful lawyer in Britain, the King's personal advisor, Shakespeare's inspiration, and the writer of the world's first Utopian novel in 1516. EXECUTED as a traitor in 1535. Only to be made a saint in 1935. Here's the story of a man who died for an idea:


Churchless Christianity?

The question of "true" Christianity outside church walls is ancient, echoing even in the Roman catacombs where early Christians, facing persecution, worshipped in secret.


As it is in heaven pt.1

For contemporary Western democracies, the idea of a kingdom can be difficult to grasp. People are used to electing their officials to run their country as they see fit.

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Lemon v. Kurtzman: The Supreme Court's Unlikely Alliance for Religious Freedom

Lemon v. Kurtzman was a Supreme Court case that managed to unite the most unlikely of allies in a fight for religious freedom. Let's take this complex situation and break it down in simple terms...

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What Do Stoics Mean By “Living In Accord With Nature”?

Living "in accord with nature" is a central concept in Stoic philosophy, emphasized by its leading thinkers including Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius. It involves aligning one's thoughts, actions, and emotions with the fundamental principles of the natural world.


Kabbalah: A Path Out of Obscurity

The Kabbalah only came into being in the 1100s, in a learned Jewish community in Southern France. It spread into Spain, incorporating elements of Pythagorean, Neoplatonic and Sufi mysticism along the way.


8 Surprising Insights About Sex From The "Sex Guru"

Osho was an Indian Philosopher and was also known as the "Sex Guru." He had a large collection of Rolls-Royce cars, eventually numbering 93 vehicles. He said, "If you repress sex, the natural outcome is a perverted human being."


Blaise Pascal: Reason AND Faith Leads to Great Things

Blaise Pascal was a great scientific mind of his time. After building 50 prototypes he invented the mechanical calculator - the Pascaline. With Fermat he helped develop probability, and he had brilliant insights in the philosophy of mathematics.

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"The Screwtape Letters" - C.S. Lewis' Strange Spiritual Classic

You probably know C.S. Lewis best from The Chronicles of Narnia. But his conversion to Christianity gave him another outlet for his imagination. Lewis knew that most people are not moved by rational or theological arguments. But stories might spark spiritual awakening.


The Nones Are Rising: Why?

The rise of the "Nones"—those who identify with no religion—is one of the most significant cultural shifts in recent American history.


As it is in Heaven - part 1

Finding purpose under divine rule isn't about blind faith; it's about discovering a deeper connection to the world and our place within it. This journey starts with curiosity.


Searching for Meaning and Purpose: An Existentialist Guide

In the grand cafe of life, existentialism is a philosophy that dares to sip the bitter coffee of meaninglessness, seeking solace in the aroma of our own existence.

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Kabbalah: An Ancient Way To Fulfill Your Potenial

According to the Kabbalah, the divine realm needs human action to make the world fulfill its potential. Without us, God is incomplete. In return, it is up to us to ponder the mysteries of God and creation.


10 insights from greatest book G.K. Chesterton ever wrote (Orthodoxy | 1908)

Chesterton writes in Orthodoxy that humans have a "double spiritual need." On this Earth, they want to experience the "fascination of a strange town," while also feeling at home. They crave both surprise and safety.


Pascal's Wager: Do You Dare To Take It?

Child prodigy Blaise Pascal developed probability with Fermat, invented the hydraulic press (“Pascal” is a unit of pressure), and created one of the first calculators. But at 31 a mystical experience saw him give up math and science and devote himself to spirit and philosophy.


Hillsong: Fall of the Megachurch

There is no more well-known name in the evangelical Christian church than Hillsong. On any given Sunday, at any church of any size in any city in the world you are more likely than not to hear at least 1 song by Hillsong.


The Ghost Rapes of Bolivia: Facts vs. Fiction

At the 2023 Oscar Awards, Sarah Polley's Women Talking won for Best Writing (Best Adapted Screenplay). The story is a fictionalized version of true events that occurred within a remote Mennonite community in Bolivia from 2005-2009. So where does the reality end and fiction begin?