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Overcoming Adversity: Warriors Don’t Cry’s Timeless Message

Melba Pattillo Beals’ memoir, "Warriors Don’t Cry," is more than a historical account; it’s a masterclass in resilience. Her journey as one of the Little Rock Nine in 1957 offers a gripping narrative that transcends time, teaching us how to face adversity head-on.


Towards a New Humanism: Frantz Fanon's Vision for a Decolonized World

Frantz Fanon, a philosopher and revolutionary, had a radical idea - that our world could be decolonized, not just politically, but in our minds too. Let's unpack why this still resonates today...


The Surprising History of the Confederate Flag

The American Civil War between the North (the Union Army) and the South (the Confederate Army) lasted from 1861-1865. The Confederate Army surrendered on April 9, 1865. Yet nearly 2 centuries after their defeat, their flag still flies in many places in the U.S... But why?


Why is it so hard for white people to talk about racism?

Academic and social justice trainer Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility is written specifically by a white woman writing to other white progressives about their role in contributing to, denying and avoiding conversations on both systemic and personal racism.

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The Ripple Effect of Shelley v. Kraemer: 1948 Case Summary

Imagine living in a world where the color of your skin barred you from buying a home in certain neighborhoods. That was America before the landmark 1948 case Shelley v. Kraemer.


A Brief Summary of Plessy v. Ferguson & Its Historical Significance

Let's dive into a story that changed America, yet many don't fully grasp its impact. Plessy vs. Ferguson is a landmark legal case that shaped the soul of a nation, illustrating how legal decisions can ripple through time.


What is an antiracist?

The opposite of being racist isn’t “not racist”, it’s “antiracist”. There is no neutrality when it comes to racism. You endorse either racial hierarchy (as a racist) or racial equality (as an antiracist). By endorsing neither, you are masking and accepting the racist status quo.


How to Succeed in Business Without Being White

In 1991, the newly freed Nelson Mandela made a trip to the United States and met a group of the country’s top African American business people. Their leader was Earl Graves.


Who Were The Little Rock Nine? A Powerful Lesson in Courage and Resilience

The Little Rock Nine were a brave group of African American students who integrated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957, becoming icons of the Civil Rights Movement.


The Persecution of Rex Whistler

He was an artist in the prime of his talent who became a tank commander and was killed in action during the Second World War. Now, his work is viewed as “racist” and “offensive” and is being hidden from the public. This is the story of Rex Whistler.


What are microaggressions? And how should you deal with them?

Microaggressions are subtle indignities and insults experienced by minorities on an everyday basis. They are inflicted by people who often have no idea that they’ve done something offensive or degrading.