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Popular Culture ❗




So, despite increasing love for ‘Made in India’ products & availability of content in local languages, what made Indians chase foreign content, ride the Hallyu wave & shift to K-Drama? Let’s find out!

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Why online "mom-culture" can be your saving grace and your ruin

The rise of social media brought about a new culture of motherhood, "mom-culture,” where moms share parenting experiences, tips, and advice on various platforms. This in turn has given rise to a secondary culture, "mom-fluencers." Here's the good, bad, and the ugly.

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Sports Contracts: Damar Hamlin and his 'split' clause

Contracts for professional athletes--called standard player contracts--are just like any other. It's an  agreement  between  competent parties based upon the genuine  assent of the parties supported by  consideration made for a lawful objective  in the  form  required by law.


Trans Representation

Trans representation has been a lightening rod topic. Alarms sounding on the right; jockeying for inclusion on the left. Examining a single month of news, it's saturated. But new data indicates we are making too much of it.

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FIFA World Cup for People Who Call Football "Soccer"

The FIFA World Cup, first held in 1930, has grown to be the most popular sporting event in the world, according to viewership. While only an average of one hundred million people watch the Superbowl, over three billion tune into the World Cup final. @


The Back to the Future Paradox: Why Consistent Timelines Aren't Always What They Seem

Imagine a world where Doc Brown's DeLorean time machine is real. In 'Back to the Future,' time travel seems simple—change the past, fix the future. But hang on, time paradoxes lurk!

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Best Players in History: Cricket

The first step to understanding a sport is to know the basics of the rules. The specifics can be learned as you go as long as you grasp the general structure. The second step is to learn about the greats. This will immerse you more in the culture of the sport, the fandom.

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Why the U.S. is on track to dominate the soccer world in 2030.

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar sees 32 teams duking it out on the pitch, vying for the trophy. The U.S. team is expected to make it through the knockout round but not much further in Group B. And their odds of winning it all are dismal. But not for much longer.

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How to issue the elusive 'perfect apology'

Cancel culture is a loaded phrase, but one that looms large in everyone's mind--particularly those on the public stage. The potential for the public to find fault with something you've done or said is terrifying largely because people believe there's no remedy. They're incorrect.

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Bad Blood with Tom Butler-Bowdon & Karin Richey

"Bad Blood by John Carreyrou is about the Theranos scandal - a unicorn startup worth billions that proved to be a house of cards. The title refers to a device which was at the heart of this company. It was for pin prick blood tests that would revolutionize the healthcare industry

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(Un)True Crime: When they get the wrong guy

In journalism, reporters can get it wrong sometimes. But the corrections and retractions go on the back page where no one reads. Law can operate in the same way. In a society obsessed with true crime, we often don't hear when it turns out we got it all wrong. Here's four cases:

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The Basic Rules: Cricket

The Test is a docu-series on Amazon about the Australian Men's Cricket Team chasing a second chance at greatness after stumbling from their podium. Being a lover of documentaries and sports, I had to check it out. But five minutes in I had a problem. I knew nothing about cricket.

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CTE: Our obsession with alternate helmets is selective memory

In 2013, CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) trended. A lot has happened since then, but one of the first things to happen that very year was the NFL commission banning alternate helmets. They hoped that using one, perfectly-fit helmet would help and reduce variables. Nope.

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The Darwins: How one photo on the internet revealed a faked death and insurance fraud

"When the going gets tough, some people fake their deaths." That's the saying, right? It is if you're John and Anne Darwin. When they fell into massive debt, John schemed a way to net them life insurance money. They almost pulled it off.


Travis Scott Concert: Who is liable?

Nov. 5, 2021, eight people died and more injured at a Travis Scott concert in Houston, Tx. as a result of crowd surge. Since then, many civil suits have been filed against the concert promoter as well as the performer. Criminal charges have not yet been filed as of this memo.