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Life Skills


The Art of Tying Shoelaces

Welcome, seasoned shoe-wearer! Begin with two bunny ears—cross them gently. One hops through the hole, the other follows suit. Pull tight, not too snug, not too loose, just right, like porridge for Goldilocks.


Smart Ways to Handle Critics, Haters and Trollers

At some point in your life, you may have gotten an unsolicited comment from someone and felt weird about it. It’s even worse if you have exposed yourself to social media. Everyone has an opinion and expresses it without any hesitation.

Big Macs, Buttloads and the Banana Equivalent : Mad Measurements and their Meanings

Measurements, whether volume, distance or time, are different the world over. Due to long standing tradition or regulation and legislation such as weights and measures laws which exist to ensure a consumer is compensated fairly, many measurements are still not standardized.

The Four Agreements with Nathan Maingard

Musician, poet, influencer and spiritual guide Nathan Maingard appeared on the Book Insights podcast to discuss The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Here are some of his insights:


How what you say and what people hear may be total opposites

As a career and communication coach, I am all too familiar with the bad speaking habits people do not even realize that they have. For example, I heard one Sales Manager say the phrase "a little bit" 10 times in a 5 minute conversation.

The Wisdom of 'The Prophet' by Kahlil Gibran: An All-Time Gem

"The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese-American poet, offers timeless wisdom through 26 poetic essays. It's a treasure trove of philosophical and spiritual insights.


Four inspiring women of India you should know about

Indian women have become a catalyst for social change in India. They don’t stop dreaming even while aware of the barriers before them. Let’s take a look at some of the most inspiring stories of Indian women.

Are you a Gun or are you a Tree? TWO approaches to anything in life

Everyone wants money, attention from the opposite sex, and power. These desires are so innate they might as well be needs. There are countless ways of getting what one wants - but all these ways fall in one of two broad approaches. Find out more👇


8 ideas from Pirsig that will make you smarter

Robert Pirsig wrote Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, one of the most popular pop philosophy books of all time. Learn eight ideas from Pirsig that will make you smarter👇👇👇


Nietzsche on when and how to burn bridges with the past

The past offers many great models worth mimicking, yes, and many institutions worth conserving - but also much that is obsolete, broken, unsuited to now. In this Memo, discover Nietzsche's ideas on how the past paralyses us and how we should struggle against its inertia 👇

First Impressions and How To Master Them

First impressions matter. Rightly or wrongly, in todays’ fast paced society, people make snap judgements of each other based solely on appearances. At best, this judgement is personal opinion and doesn’t matter much. At worst, it leads to intolerance, bias and discrimination.

The paradox of selfishness

People assume serving yourself comes at the cost of serving others, but I think the latter is impossible without the former. Here's how selfishness can help you serve others - and the world - better👇

The world according to Robert Pirsig

The framework we use to understand the world has lasting significance. A man who thinks life is a battle sharpens his weapons, another who thinks life is a mall looks for the discount. In this memo, learn about Robert Pirsig’s mental model for grasping th