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Knowledge 🔑



Ancient Greek Wisdom for the Modern Soul

Ever feel like your daily grind is missing a little something? The Ancient Greeks, despite living millennia ago, grappled with many of the same questions we face today.


Epistemology Unveiled: A Journey into Knowledge and Doubt

Knowledge is not a static entity, but rather a dynamic process, shaped by our experiences and interactions with the world.


27 must-read history books

I asked Twitter: What are the best history books? 27 fascinating recommendations:

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What is Asexuality?

Not everyone relates to the feeling of being sexually attracted to someone (same or opposite sex). Someone who is asexual experiences little to no sexual attraction. If you feel this way or know someone who feels this way, continue reading.

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The Psychology of Curiosity

How did Newton invent the laws of motion? And why do we watch movies or reality shows? The reason behind all discoveries and creative pursuits is curiosity. Physicist Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talent – I am only passionately curious.”

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Use this framework to become better at finding the "truth"

Introduction. Science looks for the true nature of the world. History looks for a true account of the past. Social sciences attempt to find the reality of man's social world. Consilience is the process that helps people in these 3 - and many other - domains reach the "truth"👇

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Memo'd: Our Story

Memo’d is the result of years of innovation in the worlds of nonfiction content and online tech.


What exactly are ‘Black Swan’ events?

Until a black swan was sighted in Western Australia by European explorers, it was assumed that swans were white. It was part of the definition of swans that they were white. But you only need one variation to show up your wrong assumptions.


Digging Deep: Philosophy's Enthralling Odyssey

Socrates believed wisdom lay in knowing one's ignorance, a philosophy that resonates with today's information overload.


10 Facts about Cancer you might not know. A quick guide to educate yourself about cancer.

1: Cancer has been documented since ancient times, with evidence found in Egyptian and Greek medical texts dating back to 3000 BCE.

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Promoting Excellence | When Clients Listen To Your Expertise

I had a conversation with a client, friend, and mentor today. It had been at least 6 months since we had any sort of phone call. As we were catching up he told me about some updates to his life and business.


Big Macs, Buttloads and the Banana Equivalent : Mad Measurements and their Meanings

Measurements, whether volume, distance or time, are different the world over. Due to long standing tradition or regulation and legislation such as weights and measures laws which exist to ensure a consumer is compensated fairly, many measurements are still not standardized.

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What is "3 Do's and 1 Don't" Series ?

We know information is cluttered, you need to read a 1000 -2000 word article to extract the 20% information hidden in it. The remaining 80% are just words to form flow and reach the targeted word count to have an SEO-friendly article.


The next wave of online platforms will be focused on learning and growth

The volume of content being pumped out each day online is mind-boggling: over 2.5 quintillion bytes, which is equivalent to what was published in a whole year in the early 2000s.

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What Memo’d can do for you

Progress is all about finding new ways to improve something timeless.

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John Horgan's "The End of Science": The Key Takeaways Worth Knowing in 2024

John Horgan's "The End of Science" is a provocative exploration of the idea that science, as we know it, may be reaching its limits, a concept that has sparked heated debates in the scientific community


The Mystery of the Library of Alexandria: A Beacon of Ancient Knowledge

The Library of Alexandria, often hailed as the world's greatest library, was the epicenter of ancient wisdom and learning. Pretty big claim, I know, but you may be surprised why it's true...


Surprising facts about South Korea

It's common to ask about bloodtypes Koreans believe that your bloodtype contributes to your personality and characteristics. Therefore, the bloodtype of a potential partner is of significance.


Spontaneous, Involuntary and Instant : Common Reflexes and Their Uses

Reflexes - our bodies completing tasks without informing our brains. These sudden, arresting movements serve a valuable role in our wellbeing. A new born baby knows to suck, we withdraw fast from extreme heat, we dodge a ball headed straight for our face, all thanks to reflexes.

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Information overload: what can we do?

Information overload is the difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making a decision when one has too much information about that issue. It is also associated with the excessive quantity of daily information.

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The origins of Memo'd

For centuries, great thinkers would compile a customized book of knowledge to help better themselves.

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Memo’d Manifesto

New dawn. The internet created an explosion in information, but we’re at the limits of what our minds can organize and absorb. We need a better system for gaining, storing, retaining and sharing knowledge.