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Investing 💸


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Making Smarter Bets with Your Money and Life. The 3 Secrets Shared!

You want to make things better, but you're not sure. Am I making the right move? Am I taking a bad gamble? How do I know this will pan out? Those are all difficult questions, but Warren Buffet, the world's greatest investor, can shed some light!


Charlie Munger's Mental Models That Helped Build His ‘30-Second Mind’

Warren Buffett once said that his business partner, the late Charlie Munger, has a 30-second mind. Buffett said "Charlie has the best 30-second mind in the world. He goes from A to Z in one go. He sees the essence of everything even before you finish the sentence."


8 CEO's Radical Investment Philosophies That Paid BIG

Warren Buffett's top recommended book is The Outsiders by William N. Thorndike Jr. It is a thorough examination of 8 CEO's throughout history who outperformed their peers, as well as the unique philosophies they each implemented that contributed to their massive success.

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David Hunter: short bio of a contrarian investor

With 190k Twitter followers (@DaveHContrarian) David Hunter is one of the best known “contrarian” investors, and is frequently interviewed by finance influencers decades younger than him. 

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The big bull of India: Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala was the most influential voice in the Indian stock market. He was known as an investor with the Midas touch. According to the Forbes Rich list, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala was the 37th richest man in India.


What asset do the top 1% put 61% of their money in?

New research from Goldman Sachs reveals a stark difference between how the richest invest, and how most people invest.

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8 reasons you SHOULD NOT do a startup

Marc Andreessen is the creator of the first popular web browser Mosaic, founder of companies with valuations in billions of dollars, and an investor in innumerable more. In an archived essay, he shares 8 reasons you should not do a startup👇

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How skyscrapers crash the economy

Skyscrapers are glittering symbols of prosperity and economic growth. But the skyscraper curse, coined by Andrew Lawrence in 1999, says they're linked to economic crises. In this memo learn how "record-breaking skyscrapers" are omens of economic problems


Atomic Habits with Kamilah O'Brien

Kamilah O'Brien paid off over $70k in student loan debt in just a couple years and is now a Youtube and Instagram influencer known as The Focused Spender. She shared financial advice and her thoughts and experience with the book Atomic Habits on the Book


Mastering the Art of Detached Financial Wisdom

Investing isn't just about the green—it's about finding zen in the ups and downs of the market. Think of it as financial yoga for your portfolio.

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A Secret Mental Model That Made Warren Buffet A Billionaire (Learn how to use it in your life).

In investing, business, and life decisions, Warren Buffett emphasizes a concept he calls the "Circle of Competence." It's about the importance of knowing one's limitations and staying within the boundaries of what one understands.

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Who is Balaji Srinivasan? Short bio of the tech investor and Twitter influencer

Balaji Srinivasan is an entrepreneur, tech investor, and Twitter influencer. He was born on May 18, 1974, in New York, to physician parents of Indian background.


"Revenge of the Colonized" - a new world order in the making

In a popular 2020 Memo, I wrote about Kiril Sokoloff, “the greatest investor you’ve never heard of”.


Peter Lynch: Understand the TYPE of stock you’re investing in

How do you pick the right stocks? It seems intuitive that companies with popular products make for great investments. But Peter Lynch says we should categorize stocks based on their growth rate to understand which types suit our needs.


Peter Lynch’s Stock Picking Classic in 10 Points

An amateur investor can pick tomorrow’s big winners, investing legend Peter Lynch says in One Up On Wall Street (1989). But only if they take heed of the following:

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Balaji on Bitcoin

Bitcoin is now more than 10 years old, but its consequences are still being worked out. In his article Bitcoin Is Civilization, Balaji, a crypto investor and entrepreneur, discusses the social and economic revolution that is Bitcoin👇

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Naval's Insights For Life (With Joe Rogan)

Naval Ravikant is an entrepreneur, investor, and an exciting thinker. This memo shares Naval’s insights on life, happiness, and success from his conversation with Joe Rogan. Let’s dive in.

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Mashman Properties' Business Model and Breakdown

I launched Mashman Properties on January 7th, 2022 less than a week after launching Mashman Investments. Mashman Properties is my private real estate investment firm and will be the owner of multiple kinds of real estate related assets.


Inside Charlie Munger's Great Mind

Charlie Munger was the right hand man of history's most successful investor, Warren Buffet. Buffet himself said: "Charlie's mind has a greater span than I do." Munger died yesterday, at 99. Here are 9 insights from the great man. They'll make you smarter:

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Who is Plan B? A Short Biography of the Bitcoin Twitter Influencer

PlanB is the pseudonym of an anonymous Twitter user who goes by the handle @100trillionUSD. He has 1.8 million followers.


Next on Netflix : Eat the Rich : The GameStop Saga

Back in 2021, the electronics retailer GameStop featured in the news. Swallowed in part by the ongoing pandemic & the presidential switchover, the story passed a lot of people by. Never fear, where there is scandal, money and intrigue, there is Netflix!  


Elon's Rapid Twitter Buyout: A Timeline of past, present and future

June 4, 2010: Elon Musk created his Twitter account. Over the next 12 years he amassed 85 million followers – the seventh most of any account and the highest for any business leader. @


Why NFTs are just like real estate

If the thought of investing in NFTs makes you think, 'What are we even buying - just a token? The JPG is somewhere else?' Then here's a truth bomb - buying real estate is not so different from trading in paper-based tokens to gain ownership of an off-chain asset.

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Balaji with Sam Parr and Shaan Puri

On their podcast My First Million, Sam and Shaan interviewed Balaji Srinivasan in May 2021. Balaji is a famous entrepreneur, crypto investor and writer. On the podcast he discussed his track record of predictions, what he would do if he was 21 years old, and more 👇

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