Humanity 👤

The Iliad and Follies of Men #MemodWritetoWin
The Iliad, written by Homer during the early 7th century BC, had been a classic epic taking place during the Trojan War. Though we do not know the extent of how much truth there is to the epic, we can see how Homer uses it to show us the follies and consequences of man's actions.

Why You Should Care About The "Butlerian Jihad"
A new term has popped up in discussions about technology: Butlerian Jihad. Butlerian Jihad is the name of a holy war that humans declare against machines in the Dune trilogy. Does this fictional war from a SciFi series have relevance for the real world today? Let's find out 👇

The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety, it’s human connection
Johann Hari, British journalist, offers an insightful, revolutionary, and compassionate explanation for addiction. He challenges the commonly-accepted theory of “chemical hooks” that create dependency for certain drugs, substances, or activities. So what

Are we causing Earth’s sixth mass extinction?
Archeologists recognize 5 mass extinctions, beginning over 400 million years ago 1) Ordovician: Extinction of 85% of marine species. 2) Devonian: Extinction of most reef-building organisms. 3) Permian: The largest extinction of insects. 4) Triassic: Extinction of 30% of marine l

What it means to live a good life... according to Aristotle
Aristotle believed that there’s a universal sense of goodness that anyone can achieve based on timeless truths (rather than circumstances). To define it, he explored the question of ‘What does it mean to live a good life?’ almost as if it had never been a

Paul Kalanithi’s unique perspective on mortality
A terminal diagnosis makes you reassess your values and priorities – not just when you get the news, but right up until your dying breath. This is a lesson that neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi learned while battling metastatic lung cancer. @

What is dehumanising language and why does it matter?
Brené Brown is a leading American researcher and storyteller who studies and dissects human connection. She has warned against the ancient power of dehumanisation: its deadly effects on human connection; and its link with all great and little atrocities c

The Selfish Gene: Richard Dawkins' science classic in 30 points
When the UK’s Royal Society conducted a poll on “the most inspiring science books of all time” in 2017, The Selfish Gene seized the top ranking, even ahead of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species.

How man is trapped by his own creation
Introduction. In the popular mind, progress is largely considered good, and hierarchies are largely considered bad. In Man and Technics, Oswald Spengler turns the conventional wisdom on its head and shows that progress leads to questionable places, and hierarchies are inevitable.

Arthur Koestler Quotes on Faith, Communism, And The Nature of Man
On faith. “A faith is not acquired by reasoning. One does not fall in love with a woman, or enter the womb of a church, as a result of logical persuasion. Reason may defend an act of faith—but only after the act has been committed, and the man committed t

The Enlightenment made life better. Will its ideals save the world?
It may seem like things are getting worse. In almost every demographic on the planet, people’s outlook is pessimistic. But statistically, things have never been better. So how convincing is the evidence of progress?

What's the one thing that can keep you safe and secure?
Gavin de Becker provides security for many famous figures. When Amazon founder and world’s richest man Jeff Bezos had his phone hacked (probably by the Saudis), de Becker led the investigation. Stars trust him to keep their lives free of press intrusion a