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Financial Crisis


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The Enron Scandal Explained in Under 2 Minutes: A Quick Primer

The Enron scandal, a saga of greed and deception, shook the corporate world in 2001. It’s a story where ambition turned into one of the biggest frauds in history.

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What is a recession and what are its causes?

Economists argue over the definition of a recession. Is it simply two quarters of consecutive negative growth, or a sustained downturn? Economics educator and investor Richard Coffin says a recession is a significant decline in economic activity lasting for months or even years.

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SVB gives masterclass in Why Bitcoin Matters

Actions speak Louder than words. SV “builders” who laughed at Bitcoin and called it boring because there’s “no yield” and it’s “too hard to custody” are now learning a lesson in modern banking. The Q remains. Will they learn or will they take a page out of the Wall St playbook?


What’s Mark Cuban’s financial outlook for life post-COVID19?

It’s a brutal time for small business, but if you can outlast your competitors you’ll be in a much stronger position when COVID-19 passes.

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5 things to do to weather a recession

It is difficult to predict exactly when the next recession will occur in the U.S. Economic downturns are typically caused by a combination of factors such as high levels of debt, rising interest rates, and declining consumer confidence. Most agree we'll experience one soon.


The great Peter Drucker's lessons for becoming a successful innovator and entrepreneur

Think of some entrepreneurs you admire, people who founded companies. Perhaps it’s Richard Branson of Virgin, or Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, or Jack Ma of Alibaba.